
revue n.〔法語〕1.時事諷刺劇,活報劇。2.輕歌舞劇。


Will willa make it ? by the time she reached 11 years of age , she started her professional career with the tampa - based children s performing arts troupe , entertainment revue . this group consisted of 20 girls , ranging in age from 5 to 16 8歲時加入教會唱詩班11歲時開始她的職業表演生涯參加佛州頗富盛名的表演團體演出表演團常在佛州各處巡回演出就連迪士尼樂園也是演出場地之一。

Performance of music , drama , dance , opera , revue and other functions considered as entertainment by the manager , and activity of any kind carried out after 6pm ( excluding film show ) 音樂演奏、戲劇、舞蹈、歌劇和雜劇演出;大會堂經理認為屬娛樂性質的其他節目;以及下午6時后舉行的所有活動

Performance of music , drama , dance , opera , revue and other functions considered as entertainment by the manager , and activity of any kind carried out after 6pm excluding film show 音樂演奏戲劇舞蹈歌劇和雜劇演出大會堂經理認為屬娛樂性質的其他節目以及下午6時后舉行的所有活動

In “ second hand rose “ ? a tune from the 1921 ziegfield follies revue ? the famous comedian fanny brice complained about how hard it was to find a suitable suitor 1921年齊格菲爾德歌舞活報劇中一首歌曲《二手玫瑰》中,著名的戲劇演員范尼?布賴斯就曾為難以遇到如意的追求者而抱怨。

Enjoy classic american entertainment as this spectacular revue of song and original dance numbers unfolds in an elegant , big - city theater called the broadway music theatre 華麗的美式表演藝術登峰造極有口皆碑。本劇透過膾炙人口的旋律,將經典的歌舞呈獻給您。

The colorful history of american entertainment comes together in this song - and - dance revue ! come enjoy this dazzling show , performed in the beautiful broadway music theatre 歷史性的百老匯音樂融合華麗的美式表演藝術,豪華燦爛的舞臺上一場經典歌舞等您來欣賞

At dinner time , folks can enjoy “ pecos goofy s frontier revue , “ featuring goofy as pecos bill in a show filled with comedy , song and dance 在晚餐時段,活力十足的高飛將打扮成美國西部開拓時代的英雄為您展開一場笑料百出的歌舞秀西部高飛邊疆拓荒滑稽劇。

At one time there were even eight theaters in the area presenting yiddish - language productions of musicals , revues , and heart - wrenching melodramas 在那里,甚至曾一度出現過8家劇院,上演著意第緒語的音樂劇、時俗諷刺劇、糾人心扉的情節劇等作品。

Tracy turnblad ( ricki lake , in her feature film debut ) has what it takes to make it on baltimore ' s number one dance revue in 1962 , “ the corny collins show 1962年,翠茜?吞巴拉特登上巴爾的摩首屈一指的舞臺趣劇《康尼?康林斯秀》 。

By the time she reached 11 years of age , she started her professional career with the tampa - based children s performing arts troupe , entertainment revue 16歲之后她一人前往洛杉機發展,在某場新好男孩的巡回演唱中被發掘。

The exciting , swing jazz music that was popular from the 1920s to the 40s comes to life in this revue presented at the broadway music theatre 讓動感大樂團及迪士尼卡通明星為您帶來1920至40年代風靡全球的搖擺爵士樂。

Come and join the ship s passengers , crew , musicians , and disney characters in this 20 - minute outdoor song and dance revue 來吧,在歡樂的旋律下,即將遠航的乘客及船員,正慶祝著這個歷史性的一刻

Guests are invited to set for a spell and listen as these “ real “ down - home bears put on a un - bear - ably hilarious musical revue 聽,那悅耳的旋律,讓18只滑稽的頑熊們為您帶來動聽的鄉村樂曲

Performance of music , drama , dance , opera , revue and other functions considered as entertainment by the manager 音樂演奏、戲劇、舞蹈、歌劇、雜劇和大會堂經理認為屬娛樂性質的其他節目

Performance of music , drama , dance , opera , revue and other functions considered as entertainment by the manager 音樂演奏戲劇舞蹈歌劇雜劇和大會堂經理認為屬娛樂性質的其他節目

All girl revue 菲律賓人106

Nakt revue berlin ; germany 歌劇秀德國柏林

Pecos goofy s frontier revue 西部高飛邊疆拓荒滑稽劇

The kids want to do a revue of my music for the benefit 孩子們想在義演上演我的音樂劇