
revolver n.1.旋轉者;旋轉式裝置。2.【冶金】轉爐。3.轉[左...


She was looking straight at me , straight into my eyes , and the revolver was at my temple 她望著,直勾勾地對著我的眼睛望著,手槍已經逼到了我的太陽穴邊。

Passepartout accompanied him , carrying a pair of revolvers . aouda remained in the car , as pale as death 這時,艾娥達夫人嚇得面無人色,獨自留在車廂里。

Mr fogg and colonel proctor , each provided with two six - barrelled revolvers , entered the car 福克先生和普洛克托上校每人各帶兩把六輪手槍,走進了車廂。

His service revolver was found in the vicinity . he was later certified dead at the scene 該名警長在現場被證實死亡,他的佩槍亦被發現遺留在他身旁。

Passepartout , revolver in hand , held himself ready to fire on those which came too near 這時路路通握緊手槍,隨時準備向那些最接近雪橇的餓狼射擊。

Passepartout was waiting for his master , armed with half - a - dozen six - barrelled revolvers 路路通已經等在門口,小伙子身上背著六七支帶匕首的手槍。

This 6 round . 455 revolver is yet another weapon of world war 1 vintage 這種6連發的. 455口徑的左輪手槍同樣是第一次世界大戰期間的產物。

Initial enquiries revealed that the sergeant has committed suicide with his service revolver 初步調查相信該名警長用其佩槍自殺。

And suddenly i saw that she had begun moving towards me with the revolver in her hand 我突然發現她兩手握著槍,開始朝我身邊走來。

Even as i was digging into my pocked to get out my revolver i made a running step back 我一面趕緊掏口袋,拔出手槍,一面跑過去。

In ten minutes several revolver - shots could be exchanged . very well , said mr fogg 有十分鐘的時間,咱們滿可以交換幾顆子彈。 ”

The police found an arsenal of daggers and revolvers in the assassin ' s house 警方發現行刺兇手的房子里藏著多把匕首和左輪槍。

Sine - cosine revolver 正余弦旋轉變壓器

She drew a revolver on me 她拔出手槍對準我

Rubber bullet of 9mm police revolver 警用轉輪手槍橡皮彈

The rotating chamber of a revolver that holds the cartridges 子彈輪轉盤裝有彈藥的左輪手槍的旋轉彈膛

He killed the man with a revolver 他用左輪手槍把那個人殺死了。

It was an old trade lie i was giving you about my revolver being wet 我說我的手槍濕透了是騙你的

But then why leave a revolver fitted with a silencer 可為什么他會把消音器還留在左輪手槍上呢