
revolutionize vt.使革命化;引起革命;鼓吹革命思想;革新;徹底改革。...

revolutions per minute

The internet , which has already revolutionized our lives , has become an irreversible trend in the world economy 使我們生活得以變革的因特網,已成為世界經濟中不可逆轉的趨勢。

His teaching theories and methods have revolutionized the game and his influence on all levels of golf is unparalleled . 他的教學理念對不同水平球手的改變已獲得事實的證明。

If this could be done computationally , it would significantly reduce the cost and revolutionize structural biology 蛋白質及聚合物的結構設計也有相當大的理論和現實意義。

Data grids have burst onto the scene , making promises to revolutionize distributed data management 數據網格已經有了巨大的發展,而且還將帶來分布式數據管理的巨大革命。

The ec has made the traditional trade become revolutionize change , this cause many tax problems 電子商務使傳統貿易發生了革命性的變化,由此也引發了許多稅收問題。

Advances in information technology are revolutionizing global communications by making them easier and cheaper 新穎的資訊科技革命令世界通訊較以前更容易和便宜。

The latter must , therefore , in itself be both understood in its contradiction and revolutionized in practice 因此后者必須在它自身的矛盾中理解并在實踐中革命化。

“ he revolutionized the sciences , particularly those of agriculture , medicine and astronomy (翻譯:世宗大王他徹底革新了科學,特別是在農業、醫藥和天文方面。

This led to the development of the drug viagra , which has revolutionized the treatment of impotency 他這項重要發現衍生出藥物威而鋼,為陽萎帶來革命性療法。

He has become one of the many new songwriters and musicians revolutionizing the chinese - language music industry 他是眾多改革華語音樂的創作歌手中的一位。

Hormesis has much to prove if it is to revolutionize toxicology , rodricks notes 羅卓克斯指出,激效是否會徹底改變毒物學的面貌,還有許多尚待證明之處。

Newton truly revolutionized science by explaining the physical world in mathematical terms 牛頓以數學的方式解析了物理現象,奠定了科學的變革。

John armstrong ( dataquest ) : “ internet 2 will revolutionize the internet as we know today 約翰.阿姆斯特朗: “互聯網2將會更新現有的互聯網。

This important discovery has revolutionized our understanding of the universe 這個重要發現使我們對宇宙的認識發生了革命性的變化。

So a really cheap process like this can revolutionize the steel industry 這么說,像這種成本低廉的新工藝可以徹底改革鋼鐵工業了?

The use of atomic energy will revolutionize the lives of coming generations 原子能的利用將會使未來的人類生活發生巨大的變化。

From google , is another great example of ajax revolutionizing web applications 是另一個利用ajax的革命性web應用程式的例子。

Physics was revolutionized by quantum mechanics almost a century ago 幾乎在100年前,量子力學就給物理學帶來了革命性的影響。

And he said it totally revolutionized my whole philosophy and understanding of life 這完全革新了我的哲學和對人生的理解。