
revolutionary adj.1.革命的,大變革的,革命性的。2.旋轉的。短語...


Socialist ideas made little impact on the nascent labour movement that had developed rapidly after the ending of the french revolutionary wars . 社會主義思想對法國革命戰爭結束后方興未艾的勞工運動幾乎沒有什么影響。

In trying to discern the causes for such revolutionary changes in literary standards the historian sees through a glass darkly . 在試圖認清文學標準的這種革命變化的原因時,歷史學家戴著眼鏡,看不清楚。

The critic james g. huneker helped to inform the public of the revolutionary achievements of diaghilev and the ballet russe . 批評家詹姆斯亨尼克向人們介紹了底格里列和俄國芭蕾舞的革命性成就。

We should work hard to cultivate in young people the revolutionary style of learning diligently and taking pleasure in helping others . 我們要在青少年中大力提倡勤奮學習助人為樂的革命風尚。

Their early films tried to convey revolutionary propaganda through shocking juxtapositions, and circus tricks . 他們早期的電影試圖通過令人震驚的對比和馬戲技巧來進行革命宣傳。

Her first husband had been guillotined two years earlier because he opposed robespierre's revolutionary government . 她的第一個丈夫在兩年前因反對羅伯斯庇爾的革命政府被處決。

The contingent of cadres should become more revolutionary , better-educated , more professional , more competent and younger . 干部隊伍應該革命化、知識化、專業化、年輕化。

At the same time, he despised himself for his own failure in an aspect of the revolutionary catechism . 同時,他又因為自己在一個方面違背《革命道理問答手冊》而鄙薄自己。

Their early films tried to convey revolutionary propaganda through grotesque and fantastic imagery . 他們早期的電影試圖通過離奇古怪異想天開的形象來進行革命宣傳。

His speeches seemed to incline to revolutionary policies, flirting, with communists and fascists . 他的演講卻似乎傾向革命改策,既向共產黨又向法西斯暗送秋波。

He had weathered too many abortive revolutionaries when only his courage had saved the government . 流產的革命他見過多了,多少次都是靠他的膽識才保全了政府。

The whole town was alive with talk about revolutionaries who were flooding the mills with their handbills . 傳說革命者涌進工廠里散發傳單,這事弄得滿城風雨。

This was a generation of revolutionary youth filled with beautiful dreams, envisioning a beautiful future . 這一代的革命青年,充滿著幻想,憧憬著美好的未來。

Georgos considered some of the examples drilled into him during the cuban revolutionary training . 喬戈斯考慮著在古巴進行革命訓練時灌進他腦子里的那些例證。

Retired from office , lao wang still maintains the same vigour as in the years of revolutionary war ... 老王解甲歸田后,仍保持著革命戰爭時期的那么一股勁。

Sam knew that derogil, to control high blood pressure, was not a revolutionary drug . 薩姆知道,用于控制血壓的“定壓”不是一種突破性的藥物。

He first submitted his own province, hunan, famous for the revolutionaries it has produced . 他首先舉出他們湖南省,就是因產生革命家出名的。

Chairman mao observed in regard to the revolutionary storms then engulfing the third world . 毛主席對席卷第三世界的革命風暴作了如下評論。

To pham van dong the encounter with me was tactic in a revolutionary struggle . 對于范文同來說,同我打交道只不過是革命斗爭中的策略運用。