
revolution n.1.革命;劇烈的變革。2.回轉,繞轉,旋轉;轉數;周...


We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution . 今天,我們不敢忘記我們是那一次革命的后代。

What is the angular velocity after the ball has made five complete revolutions ? 在球轉了五整圈之后,角速度是多少?

In 1753, a palace revolution there placed on the throne a ruler . 在1753年的一次宮廷政變中,一個統治者篡奪了王位。

Yuan shikai quickly seized the fruits of the victory of the 1911 revolution . 袁世凱迅速篡奪了辛亥革命的勝利果實。

The revolution in morals and customs had run its full course by 1930 . 道德和習俗的革命,到1930年已走到盡頭。

This transformation has been due primarily to a technological revolution . 這種變革主要是由于技術革命引起的。

The industrial revolution was possible because of this energy abundance . 這種豐富的能源使工業革命成為可能。

This pattern reached full development with the industrial revolution . 這種方式隨著工業革命而得到充分發展。

The chinese revolution is a continuation of the great october revolution . 中國革命是偉大的十月革命的繼續。

In the case of the moon the rotation keeps pace exactly with the revolution . 月球的自轉與公轉精確地同步。

His death made a revolution in favour of the two distressed families . 他一死,這兩個困苦的家庭有了轉機。

Then he spoke again of the democratic revolution of the americas . 然后,他再一次談到南北美洲的民主革命。

It is safe to say that the revolution is only in its infancy . 可以肯定地說這場革命還處于它的幼年時期。

The victory of the revolution only ushered in a new time of turmoil . 革命的勝利只帶來了新的混戰時代。

The state confiscated land from those who opposed the revolution . 國家將那些反對革命的人的土地充公。

I am not, of course, suggesting that revolutions accomplish nothing . 自然我并不是說革命都一無所成。

There were many french exiles in england after the revolution . 大革命后,在英國有許多法國流亡者。

The drum is rotated at 20 revolutions per minute for 10 minutes . 圓筒以每分鐘20轉的速度轉10分鐘。

The shaft and discs rotate at about forty revolutions per second . 豎軸和磁盤每秒鐘大約旋轉40轉。