
revolute adj.【植物;植物學】外卷的;【動物;動物學】后旋的。


The analysis of precision about mould - cut main mechanism with clearances is advanced . on the basis of analysis of slider displacement error influenced by the crank length tolerance , the coupler length tolerance and clearances in revolute joints for mould - cut main mechanism , some reasonable suggestions about tolerance distribution of bars length and fitting precision of joints are put forward 考慮運動副間隙對主切機構進行了精度分析,通過分析主切機構中各桿長誤差和運動副間隙對滑塊位移誤差的影響,對商標模切機設計初期桿長誤差分配和運動副間隙配合精度提出了合理的建議。

1 . reconstruction of practical strategy , establish and improve the current cooperation system , normalize the cooperation management structure , construct the balance share , normalize the decisions system , absorb the independent board system , revolute the economic and management system of government . the key task of government is to improve the law environment 在深入研究與探討的基礎上,提出了相應的對策建議: 1 、實行戰略重組,建立和完善現代企業制度,規范公司治理結構,構建相對制衡的多元化股權結構;規范決策機制、引入獨立董事制度;變革政府的經濟管理模式,政府的重點任務是完善法律環境。

Iv ) revolute joint element , nonlinear spring - damper element , 3 - d 5 points contact element are applied to simulate the revolute restriction between two caterpillar boards , suspension nonlinear vibration , contact between wheels and caterpillar boards , and contact between caterpillar boards and ground are considered respectively . drucker - prager material is employed to simulate reinforced concrete 4 、應用大幅度轉動約束單元、非線性彈簧阻尼單元、三維五節點接觸單元分別模擬自行火炮履帶板之間的轉動約束連接、懸掛非線性振動及負重輪與履帶板之間的接觸和履帶板與地面的接觸問題;根據材料非線性理論,提出利用drucker ? prager材料建立土壤的非線性有限元模型。

Traditional editorial - publication procedure can no longer fulfill the time and effectiveness demands to the journals . academic journals have to revolute this publication model and decrease the time period for publication in order to better serve the knowledge renovations 隨著社會高度發達對信息傳播要求的提高,傳統的編輯出版流程已經越來越不能適應期刊出版對時效的要求,學術期刊只有通過變革已有的出版模式,縮短出版周期,才能更好地為知識創新服務。

Leaves leathery , elliptic - lanceolate or broadly oblanceolate , 4 - 13 cm long and 2 - 4 cm wide , apex acuminate to acute , base cuneate , margin revolute ; petioles 0 . 7 - 1 . 5 cm long , base slightly swollen 葉革質,橢圓狀披針形或闊倒披針形,長4 - 13厘米,寬2 - 4厘米,頂端漸尖或急尖,基部楔形,邊緣背卷;葉柄長0 . 7 - 1 . 5厘米,基部稍腫大。

Specially , this new mode will surely revolute the architecture of control systems so that they can be more open and perform better 當然,將這種新模式應用到自動化領域中,也勢必促進控制系統體系結構的變革,使其具有更高的性能和更具開放性。

Capsule ovoid , 6 - 8 mm long , more or less glandular hairy , coarsely tuberculate ; persistent calyx lobes often revolute and shrinking 蒴果卵圓形,長6 - 8毫米,多少被腺毛,有粗糙的小疣狀凸起;宿存花萼裂片常反卷和皺縮。

Dynamic simulation and kinetic description of revolute joint with spatial clearance 圓柱鉸間隙運動學分析及動力學仿真

Singularity loci analysis of a planar parallel manipulator with revolute actuators 一種平面并聯機械手的奇異形位分析