
revolt n.1.反叛,造反;起義。2.反抗,反對。3.反感,對抗...


Genoa had ceded corsica to france in 1768, after a series of revolts on the island . 在島上發生了一系列暴動之后,熱那亞于1768年把科西嘉割讓給法國。

To what degree this revolt of the intellectuals affected the masses it is impossible to say . 這種知識界的反叛對群眾影響到什么程度,說不清楚。

For the first time, his soul revolted against the dull inelegance of capel street . 這是第一次,他打心坎里厭惡這死氣沉沉的庸俗不堪的卡貝爾街。

That “something illogical“ had stirred her feelings more than her intellect to revolt . “某些不合邏輯的地方”激動得她的理智無力反抗。

If the tunisian affair goes really sour, it might just start a new military revolt . 如果突尼斯的情況真的很糟,可能引起新的軍事叛變。

A popular revolt against the policies of hanna and aldrich was getting under way . 一場反對漢納和奧爾德里奇政策的群眾斗爭正在展開。

Revolt is in the nature of things and so is the violence and enchantment of sexual feeling . 叛逆是人的天性,暴亂和性感迷惑亦然。

It revolted him to think that he had ever spoken to her of what he held secret . 想起他過去曾經向她傾訴衷腸,更使她感到厭惡。

“ she felt as though she should be better served, and her heart revolted . 她自以為似乎還不應該落到這個地步,心里覺得很委曲。

The test had always been whether they would back a revolt against castro . 這個試驗就是要看看他們是否支持反對卡斯特羅的起義。

Perhaps dobbin's foolish soul revolted against that exercise of tyranny . 也許都賓是傻好人,看了暴虐的行為忍不住要打抱不平。

He writhed at the memory, revolted with himself for that temporary weakness . 他一想起來就痛悔不已,只恨自己當一時糊涂。

The mood of the revolted slave was still bracing me with its bitter vigour . 反抗的奴隸的心情還在氣勢洶洶地激勵著我。

In the east the progressive revolt had a more decidedly urban complexion . 在東部,進步派的反叛帶有更明顯的城市色彩。

I did a story on the condominium dweller's revolt at golden sands . 我曾寫了一篇文章論及金沙公寓居住者們的反感。

A mighty spirit of revolt heaved tumultuously within him . 一股強有力的反抗精神在他身子里排山倒海似的洶涌起來。

The delta burmese rose in revolt and rushed the town of prome . 三角洲地區的緬甸人舉行起義,突然襲擊卑謬城。

He was gloating on her in the most revolting way all through lancheon . 他在整個午餐時間垂涎欲滴地緊盯著她

Finally the revolt in abyssinia was being fanned by every means . 最后,還使用一切方法煽動阿比西尼亞起義。