
revoke vt.1.取消,撤銷,收回,作廢,廢除,解除(命令、權利...


To revoke database level authorities , use the revoke statement 要撤消數據庫級權限,使用revoke語句。

License al i revoked , passport gone 執照吊銷了護照也沒了

Specifies the object on which the permission is being revoked 指定要對其撤消權限的對象。如果指定了

The unreasonable rules were revoked 不合理的規則被廢除了。

We ' re revoking his license , joe 我們要撤銷他的拳手牌照,喬

They should have their licenses revoked . every last one of them 應該吊銷他們的行醫執照,全部都吊銷

“ and is there no means of making him revoke his decision ? “難道沒有辦法能使他取消他的決定嗎? ”

Button to revoke all the privileges associated with that object 按鈕撤消與此對象相關的所有特權。

23 . revoked certificates are listed on the ca s 23 .已被撤銷的數碼證書載列于發出證書的核證機關的

Method when it is called , but it cannot revoke the cache 方法,但無法撤消緩存時,由該方法引發。

To revoke dbadm authority , you must have sysadm authority 要撤消dbadm權限,必須具有sysadm權限。

Later revokes the select privilege from 撤消了select特權,那么

The permission itself will not be revoked 不會撤消該權限本身。

But in 1978 a new revelation revoked the colour bar 但是在1978年,一個新的啟示取締了種族歧視。

Fuck , how can he revoke the warrant 媽的,他怎么能撤銷指證了呢

A . revoking select permission on a table A .撤消對表的select權限

A . revoking a permission from a login 以下示例從sql server登錄名

Specifies the principal from which the permission is being revoked 指定要從中撤消權限的主體。

Name of the object that is the target of the grant revoke deny 要授權/撤銷/拒絕的對象的名稱。