
revocatory adj.廢除的,撤銷的,解除的。 a revocator...


After a comparative law survey and analysis of scholars ’ opinions on this matter , i am convinced that the revocatory right refers to the right enjoyed by the beneficiary who can revoke the disposition so as to make it void , when the trustee , in breach of trust , disposes of the trust property 所謂信托受益人的撤銷權系指在信托關系中,受托人違反信托目的處分信托財產的,受益人得撤銷該處分行為使之歸于無效的權利。該撤銷權是一種形成權,其法律意義主要在于,作為一種救濟措施,可供受益人選擇以維護其信托受益權。

Following the approach of civil law , the chinese trust law adopts the system of revocatory right 中國的信托法設計基本上承襲大陸法系風格,采行信托受益人撤銷權制度。

As to the legal nature of the revocatory right , we can understand it from different angles 自實體法的角度觀察,信托受益人撤銷權的成立需具備一定的要件。