
revocation n.廢除,取消,解除;(對契約、建議等)撤銷;〔古語〕召...


Ignore that the root revocation is unknown when determining certificate verification 確定證書驗證時,忽略根吊銷未知的情況。

Director to notify revocations , suspensions and non - renewals of recognition , etc 署長須公告認可的撤銷、暫時吊銷及未續期等

You can either submit the application and revocation in person or by post 你可以親身或以郵寄方式遞交申請書及撤銷通知書。

Specifies which x509 certificates in the chain should be checked for revocation 指定應對鏈中的哪些x509證書進行吊銷檢查。

Hongkong post will not charge you extra cost for e - cert revocation service 使用香港郵政的撤銷電子證書服務不須額外付費。

Apply for the revocation of the vehicles university registration label or entry permit ( d )申請吊銷該車校內車輛登記證。

A revocation of an appointment under subsection shall be notified in the gazette 根據第1款撤銷委任一事須在憲報公告。

Revocation information for the security certificate for this site is not available 該站點安全證書的撤消信息不可用。

Revocation of the appointment of a member of the town planning appeal board panel 一名城市規劃上訴委員團成員被撤銷委任

Certificate revocation list 憑證廢止清冊

Revocation of an approved plan 核準圖撤銷

The certificate revocation request form can be read with acrobat reader 申請撤銷證書表格以adobepdf方式記錄。可

A fully public key tracing and revocation scheme provably secure against adaptive adversary 一個安全公鑰廣播加密方案

On the right of revocation 論統一撤銷權概念

Dual restraint of revocation procedure in international commercial arbitration 論國際商事仲裁裁決撤銷程序的雙重制約

Proxy signature scheme with efficient proxy revocation from bilinear pairing 基于雙線性映射的可撤銷代理權的代理簽名

3 check the revocation list 3檢查吊銷列表。

Revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising operation 七)吊銷營業執照或者廣告經營許可證。

A revocation check is made using an online certificate revocation list 使用聯機的證書吊銷列表( crl )進行吊銷檢查。