
revocable adj.可廢除[撤銷,解除]的。adv.-bly


Ups hereby grants you a limited , personal , non - transferable , non - sublicensable , revocable licence to access and use only the web site , content and services only in the manner presented by ups , and access and use the ups computer and network services offered within the web site the “ ups systems “ only in the manner expressly permitted by ups Ups授予您有限的個人的不得轉讓的不得再授權的可撤銷的評可,準予: a僅以ups規定的方式,僅進入或使用本網站服務和內容并b僅以ups明示允許的方式,進入及使用網站內的ups電腦和網絡服務ups系統。

Ups grants you a limited , personal , non - transferable , non - sub - licensable , revocable licence to ( a ) access and use only my ups , the services , content and information only in the manner prescribed by ups , and ( b ) access and use the ups systems only in the manner expressly permitted by ups Ups授予您有限的、個人的、不得轉讓的、不得再授權的、可撤銷的許可證,允許: ( a )僅以ups規定的方式,僅進入或使用“我的ups ” 、服務、內容及信息;并( b )僅以ups明示允許的方式進入并使用ups系統。

Ups hereby grants you a limited , personal , non - transferable , non - sublicensable , revocable licence to ( a ) access and use only the web site , content and services only in the manner presented by ups , and ( b ) access and use the ups computer and network services offered within the web site ( the “ ups systems “ ) only in the manner expressly permitted by ups Ups授予您有限的、個人的、不得轉讓的、不得再授權的、可撤銷的許可證,允許: ( a )僅以ups規定的方式,僅進入或使用本網站、服務及內容;并( b )僅以ups明示允許的方式進入并使用ups計算機及網絡服務( “ ups系統“ ) 。

Subject to compliance with each of the terms of this agreement , ups grants to the customer the right to access and use the application on a limited , revocable , non - exclusive , non - assignable and non - transferable basis solely in connection with shipments tendered by the customer to ups for delivery and for no other purpose 在符合本協議各項條款的情況下,僅就“客戶”委托ups運送的貨件而言, ups給予“客戶”有限度、可撤銷、非專屬、不可讓渡或轉移的“應用程序”訪問與使用權。

[ br ] one - half in accordance with prospective husband ' s will or revocable trust , or the laws of intestacy then in effect in hawaii if prospective husband dies intestate ; and one - half in accordance with prospective wife ' s will or revocable trust , or the laws of intestacy then in effect in hawaii if prospective wife dies intestate 如果準丈夫死亡時未留下遺囑,則其一半財產根據準丈夫的遺囑或可撤銷的信托,或夏威夷市當前生效的無遺囑的死亡法進行分配;如果準妻子死亡時未留下遺囑,則其一半財產根據準妻子的遺囑或可撤銷的信托,或夏威夷市當前生效的無遺囑的死亡法進行分配。

Section 548 ( a ) reaches actually fraudulent transfers and section 548 ( b ) reaches constructively fraudulent transfers . in section , the thesis introduces strong - arm clause , invalidation of statutory lien and revocable actions after sentence of bankruptcy . chapter : the exceptions for the applying conditions of repeal rights system in american bankruptcy the chapter includes two sections , which the exceptions for preferential 作者認為我國未來的破產法應該采用撤銷權制度與無效行為制度相結合的二元立法體制;在界定可撤銷行為時應運用概括和列舉相結合的方式,使法官在處理案件時,不僅能“對號入座” ,提高訴訟效率,還能避免掛一漏萬情況的出現。

It analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the existed law of marriage and proposes that mainland china should draw lessons from macao in the procedure of inspection in the registration of marriage , the conditions of revocable marriages and the effect of revoked marriages the handling of factual marriages and the system of agreed property , to further perfect the law of marriage in mainland china . for example , in the registration of marriage , census registration , marriage registration and a network among all the government units of marriage registration should be established ; the inspection of the requirements of marriage should be more scientific and a procedure should be added in the law of marriage for the two parties to express their willingness to marry , which makes marriage completely out of the will of the two parties concerned . as to factual marriages , it could not be simply accepted or unaccepted . on the one hand , it could not have an equal effect to legal marriage ; it could not be entirely denied and should be entitled to some legal effects in some aspects on the other hand 在比較的基礎上,分析了兩地現行婚姻法律的成功與不足,并提出內地在結婚登記的審查程序、婚姻可撤銷的情形及被撤銷的法律效力、對事實婚姻的處理方式、夫妻約定財產制等方面應借鑒澳門的合理作法,如結婚登記中應建立戶籍登記與婚姻登記以及各婚姻登記機關相互之間的互聯網絡,增加結婚條件審查的科學性,并且增加一個給當事人表達結婚意愿的程序,使結婚真正做到男女雙方完全自愿;又如,對于事實喪條姻不能簡單地承認或不承認,一方面不能承認它與合法婚姻產生同等效力,另一方面,也不能完全否認它,應賦予它某些方面的法律效力。以期對于中國內地進一步完善女條姻法律起到一些參考作用。

“ true sale “ requires that all rights , risks or control rights be transferred altogether to spv from the originator , in the process of which due attention should be paid to avoid the occurrence of the revocable transaction risk , the recharacterisation risk and the commingling risk . the constructing of spv featuring “ bankruptcy - remote “ requires that efforts should be made to isolate spv from both the risk of bankruptcy of itself and that of the originator , and prevent the occurrence of “ substantive consolidation “ , which re - categorizes the transferred assets into bankrupt assets , while disregarding the form of spv being company , partnership or trust 資產的“真實銷售” ,要求將資產池的權益和風險或控制權一并從發起人處轉移給spv ,并注意防范可撤銷風險、重新定性風險、資產混合風險的發生: “破產隔離” spv的組建,要求無論spv采用公司、合伙或者信托形式,都要注意隔離自身破產風險和發起人破產風險,防止發生“實體合并” ,使已轉移的資產重新歸并到發起人的破產財產中。

One - half in accordance with prospective husband ' s will or revocable trust , or the laws of intestacy then in effect in hawaii if prospective husband dies intestate ; and one - half in accordance with prospective wife ' s will or revocable trust , or the laws of intestacy then in effect in hawaii if prospective wife dies intestate 如果準丈夫死亡時未留下遺囑,則其一半財產根據準丈夫的遺囑或可撤銷的信托,或夏威夷市當前生效的無遺囑的死亡法進行分配;如果準妻子死亡時未留下遺囑,則其一半財產根據準妻子的遺囑或可撤銷的信托,或夏威夷市當前生效的無遺囑的死亡法進行分配。

According to this thought , we can see that the family law has not talked about the hanging of marriage legal force , and that the family law is different from contract idea in the conditions of invalid marriage and revocable marriage 用合同的法理考察透視婚姻的效力狀態,我們看到, 《婚姻法》規定了婚姻的有效、無效和可撤銷,但缺乏對于婚姻效力待定的規定;同時,還可以發現,在婚姻的無效和可撤銷的具體適用條件上, 《婚姻法》的規定有必要進一步完善。

Subject to your compliance with the agreement , ups authorizes you to access the systems from a wireless device located within an authorized jurisdiction on a limited , revocable , non - exclusive , non - transferable basis solely for the purpose of obtaining information 在閣下遵守本協議的前提下, ups授權閣下使用位于特許地區內的無線設備,僅為了獲得信息的目的而有限、可撤銷、非排他性、不可轉讓地訪問系統。

Subject to your compliance with the agreement , ups authorizes you to access the systems from a wireless device located within an authorized jurisdiction on a limited , revocable , non - exclusive , non - transferable basis solely for the purpose of obtaining information 在閣下遵守本協議規定的前提下, ups授權閣下僅為了取得資料而透過獲授權地區內的無線裝置,在有限可撤銷非排他性及不可轉讓的基礎下訪問系統。

If you comply with all the terms and conditions of this agreement , gmi grants you a limited , revocable , non - transferable , and non - exclusive license to access and use the services , solely for your personal , non - commercial purposes 您若遵守此協議的所有條款和條件, gmi授予您有限的、可撤銷的、不可轉讓的、非排他的許可證,您可憑借此證訪問或使用我們的服務,但只限您個人使用,不能用于商業用途。

This agreement does not convey to the customer any interest in or to the application or any associated intellectual property rights , but only a limited right of use revocable in accordance with the terms of this agreement 本協議不給予“客戶”對“應用程序”的任何權益或相關的知識產權,僅給予“客戶”有限的使用權。該使用權可根據本協議的條款撤銷。

5 ~ . an anonymity - revocable divisible e - cash system is designed . 6 ~ a verifiable secret sharing scheme is proposed and a divisible c - cash system is designed based on it . 7 ~ . a design of pki using object - oriented technique is given 作者的研究成果如下: ( 1 )采用面向對象的思想,對pki系統進行分析和設計,以抽象的概念闡述pki的結構、組成和功能。

In the system of in valid marriage and revocable marriage , it is different in the provisions of confirmation of valid marriages , the range of revocable marriages and the legal effects of revoked marriages 在無效婚姻與可撤銷婚姻制度方面,兩地對于婚姻無效與可撤銷的情形、無效婚姻的確認形式、可撤銷婚姻的范圍、被撤銷的婚姻的法律效力等規定不同。

The credit should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable . in the absence of such indication , the credit shall be deemed to be irrevocable 信用證應注明是可撤銷還是不可撤銷的,如無此項證明,視為不可撤銷。

A letter of credit can be revocable ( i . e . it can be cancelled by the customer or the bank ) or irrevocable ( it cannot be cancelled ) 它分可撤銷信用證(即客戶或銀行可將其撤銷)和不可撤銷信用證。

Any conflicting designations of the assets in your account by will , revocable living trust or any other instrument 在您帳戶中由于遺囑,可撤銷安養信托或其它法律文件引起的任何沖突性的資產指定