
revivify vt.1.使蘇醒,使復活;使恢復精神,使振作,使有生氣。...


Cultural industries and strategies have recently constituted not only as major areas of preserving local cultural sustainability , regenerating traditional space , and revivifying urban economics , but also as a vital element of urban competitive edges in response to the deepening development of economic globalisation 摘要晚近以來,文化產業策略已成為許多城市維護地方文化永續、常規空間再生與都市經濟振興的重要發展方向與領域,以及回應經濟全球化激化發展,凸顯其競爭優勢的關鍵要素。

Cultural industries and strategies have recently constituted not only as major areas of preserving local cultural sustainability , regenerating traditional space , and revivifying urban economics , but also as a vital element of urban competitive edges in response to the deepening development of economic globalisation 摘要晚近以來,文化產業策略已成為許多城市維護地方文化永續、傳統空間再生與都市經濟振興的重要發展方向與領域,以及回應經濟全球化激化發展,凸顯其競爭優勢的關鍵要素。

It was not over the downfall of the man , but over the defeat of the napoleonic idea , that they rejoiced , and in this they foresaw for themselves the bright and cheering prospect of a revivified political existence 這一群保皇黨人不但在慶祝一個人的垮臺,而且還在慶祝一種主義的滅亡,他們相信政治上的繁榮已重新在他們眼前展現開來,他們已從痛苦的惡夢中醒來了。

Char revivifying kiln 骨炭再生窯

Charcoal revivifying plant 失效活性炭再生裝置