
revive vi.1.蘇醒,更生,再生,復活。2.恢復,更新;恢復精...


Interest in classic music has revived recently 近來對古典音樂的興趣又濃厚起來。

Could a new business model revive drug discovery 新的商業能否使復蘇藥品開發?

He revived after a rest and some food 休息了一會兒,吃了點食物之后,他又精神了。

Their chatter, their laughter, their goodhumoured innuendoes, above all, their flashes and flickerings of envy, revived tess's spirits also . 她們的閑談,她們的笑聲,她們旁敲側擊的趣話,更加上她們閃閃爍爍的羨慕,使苔絲的興致也復活了。

As growth slows, governments turn their attention to reviving itand to addressing the problems that slower growth creates . 隨著經濟增長的減緩,各國政府就轉而注意如何使增長重新恢復勢頭著重處理造成增長減緩的問題。

He had his own phrenic nerve tied to revive the memory of what happened to the patient and to test the effectiveness of phrenicectomy . 他又扎起自己的膈神經,使自己重新體會病人的感覺,同時檢驗膈胃神經切斷術的效力。

Nothing but the sight of my uncle and his eyes playing hide and seek with mine, revived the force of my distrust . 只是一見到我伯伯的臉,見到他那雙遇到我的眼鋒時就鬼鬼祟祟、躲躲閃閃的眼睛,又使我恢復不信任的感覺。

These modern theories have revived interest in the controversial subject concerning the nature and causes of business cycles . 這些現代理論重新引起了對商業周期的性質和成因這一有爭議題目的興趣。

His play “the circle“ had been brilliantly revived in england by evelyn laye and frank lawton . 他的戲劇《圓周》已經由艾弗林雷和弗蘭克羅登重新光彩奪目地在英國的舞臺上演。

Removing the thick screen, he breathed the fresh and reviving air from the cataract . 他掀起這塊厚厚的幕幔,一陣從瀑布那兒飄來的、使人精神為之一振的新鮮空氣,撲面而來。

His conversation with benjy, which followed, revived the irritation nim frequently felt about his in-laws . 隨后和本杰的談話又激起了尼姆時常感到的對他的岳父母的氣惱。

By means of a few drops of strong cordial, the doctor revived the besotted corpse for a few minutes . 博士滴了幾滴強烈的興奮劑,使這個沒有知覺的身軀復活了幾分鐘。

Today chicago style is essential a historical curiosity, revived self-consciously . 目前芝加哥風格從實質上來說是一種自覺地重新流行起來的歷史性奇特事物。

For the first time since reviving the subject he felt a return of his old interest in it . 自從他重整舊業以來,這是他第一次覺得舊日的興趣又恢復了。

After being almost trampled to death i feel we need something strong to revive us . 經過這么要命的折騰,我感到我們需要喝點夠刺激的東西恢復恢復。

Under the genial influence of american and british loans germany was reviving rapidly . 在美、英貸款的體貼入微的幫助之下,德國很快就復興起來。

We may now revive up to this point the course of this memorable battle . 我們現在可以回顧一下這一令人難忘的戰爭截至目前這一階段所經過的過程。

Each nook and each object revived a memory, and simultaneously modified it . 每一個角落,每一件東西都勾起一段回憶,同時又在改變著這些記憶。

I was debarrassed of interruption; my half-effaced thought instantly revived . 我擺脫了干擾;我的一半已被磨滅的思想立即活躍起來。