
revival n.1.蘇醒;更生,再生,復活;復興;再流行。2.【宗教...


We rejoiced at seeing his revival 看到他蘇醒過來了,大家都很高興。

Revival and development of russian steel tube industry part 俄羅斯鋼管業的復蘇及發展特點下

Discussion on government function in revival of northeast china 論東北振興過程中的政府職能

Shaman revival games - 4455 miniclip games 巫師復活小游戲- 4399小游戲

You two guys must have been born in a revival meeting 你們兩個一定是在信仰復興會上出生的

Banks busying in the revival of northeastern 東北銀行業厲兵秣馬迎振興

Bishop jakes will be conducting a three - day revival 主教杰克斯將會主持一場為期三天的布道

Reports marked revival of performance in 2002 二零零二年度業績顯著復蘇

Mario revival games - 4455 miniclip games 馬里奧的復活小游戲- 4399小游戲

The new age should be called the revival of the old age 新時代應該被稱為舊時代的復興。

The evolution of u . s . policy for japanese economic revival 美國對日本經濟復興政策的演變

Revival of the hit series bewitched … …憑借新片《家有仙妻》而東山再起

- revival of the hit series bewitched … …憑借新片《家有仙妻》而東山再起

World trade is showing signs of revival 世界貿易正顯示出重新活躍的征兆。

The manifesto of new - confucianism and the revival of virtue ethics 與德性倫理學的復興

There had been signs of revival in property market activity 物業市場交投有復蘇跡象。

On internal mechanism of management civilization ' s revival 企業管理文明復興的內在機制

The 200th revival of my one hit show they wanted 他們并不是想第200次重演我的熱門劇

Japan s revival and the international community 第3節日本的復興和國際社會