
revitalize vt.使恢復元氣;使有新的活力;使新生;復興。


Revitalize china ' s hotel 興華賓館

Strategies for revitalizing the nation through science and education and sustainable development 科教興國戰略和可持續發展戰略

Revitalize the old industrial bases in noah - eastern china and play the government ' s role 振興東北老工業基地與政府作用的發揮

On exploitation of information resources and revitalizing the nation through science and education 論信息資源開發與科教興國

Revitalize stock assets 盤活存量資產

System innovation is the key to revitalizing the old industrial base of the northeast 制度創新是振興東北老工業基地的關鍵

And she urges efforts to revitalize the circulation of rural commodities 同時,她也敦促加大力度實現農村商品流通的復興。

Revitalize large and 搞活國有大中型企業

Managers have discovered that telecommuting revitalizes their skills 經理們發現遠距離工作為他們的技術注入了新的活力。

And she urges efforts to revitalize the circulation of rural commodities 她同時敦促各方致力于重振農村商品流通的活力。

Our goal is to “ revitalize the fodder industry , protect animal health “ 以“振興飼料工業,保護畜禽健康”為企業宗旨。

Revitalizing tokyo through urban structure improvement - tokyo metropolitan government 通過改善都市結構振興東京-東京都

Study on the strategy of revitalizing the city through science amp; amp; education in wuhan 武漢市深化科教興市戰略研究

Strategic meaning of revitalizing china ' s old industrial bases in the northeast 振興東北地區等老工業基地的戰略意義

4 . revitalizing cities and communities through the medium of the olympic games 4通過奧運會這一媒體,變革城市與社會

The shakeup gave clinton a chance to revitalize his weary team 此次內閣改組給克林頓以機會使其疲憊的內閣恢復活力。

New industrialized road and the old industrial base revitalizing of shenyang 新型工業化道路與沈陽老工業基地振興

Zhejiang ' s perspective for revitalizing the old industrial base in northeast area 振興東北老工業基地的浙江視角

On problems and countermeasures in revitalizing northeast old industrial base 東北老工業基地振興中的問題和對策