
revisit vt.,n.再訪問;再參觀;重臨,重游,回到。


Tung chung river - six - month revisit 再訪東涌河

Ancient road in sichuan revisited 三國古蜀道之旅

We will continue to revisit this topic throughout the article series 在這一系列文章中,我們將繼續討論該主題。

I urge you to revisit the june message from president frank 我希望大家細心想想戴甫靈社長剛出爐的六月話題。

Debt - turned - shares , a question revisited 的認識問題

Revisiting xml tools for python 重溫python的xml工具

Geronimo s architecture revisited Geronimo的架構回顧

The performance problem revisited 舊話重提,性能問題

Now we wish to revisit information we have previously given you 現在我們想要重溫我們先前已經給你的資料。

I plan to revisit this topic at length in the next few articles 我計劃在以后幾篇文章中詳細討論這個話題。

Revisit rmb ' s exchange rate movement 再談人民幣匯率走向

Romanticism and modernity revisited 再論浪漫主義與現代性

American multiculturalism revisited 也談美國多元文化主義

Revisiting the meaning of requirements 再論軟件需求的含義

Revisited to the long courtyard with willows 再折長亭柳

Mr li revisited the city of nanjing after more than 60 years ' absence 李先生在60多年以后重游南京。

The maintainability problem revisited 舊話重提,可維護性問題

I believe that it is time to revisit this matter 因此,我相信現在是再次討論這個課題的適當時機。

Revisiting quake victims in el salvador 再度探訪薩爾瓦多地震災民