
revision n.1.校訂,訂正,修訂;修改,修正。2.【印刷】校對;...


The above charges are subject to revision from time to time . ) (上述收費將按時調整)

In later revisions of openboot , use the command 在稍后的openboot修訂版本中,請使用

Notice of objection application for revision of assessment 反對申請修訂評稅

Chinese revision of “ explorations of ergodic literature “ 2002b 2002b之中文修訂版

Registration of persons fees revision regulation 2006 2006年人事登記費用調整規例

Pharmacy and poisons fee revision regulation 2006 2006年藥劑業及毒藥費用調整規例

This revision can be done with no additional charge 這樣更改不需要加錢就辦得到。

A study of the individual differences on text revision 文章修改的個體差異研究

Fare revision of n . t . gmb route nos . 97 and 97a 新界專線小巴第97及97a號線調整車費

Reason analysis of failed hip replacement revision 髖關節置換術后翻修原因分析

Discussion on the revision of the administrative procedure law 修改若干問題的探討

Dissolved oxygen prediction model and its error revision 溶解氧預報模型及誤差校正

To complete this integration , i made a few minor revisions to my 做了小小的修改。

A revision of this book will be published in june 六月將出版這本書的修訂本。

On the re - revision of chinese money - laundering crime 論我國洗錢罪的再修訂

Development and revision of metacognition questionnaire for children 的編制與修訂

She matured her novel by constant revision 她不斷修改自己的小說以使其趨于完善。

Dutiable commodities fee revision regulation 2006 2006年應課稅品費用調整規例

Broadcasting revision of licence fees regulation 2006 2006年廣播調整牌照費規例