
revise vt.1.修訂,校訂;校閱。2.再檢查;修正,改變(意見...


Revised draft action games - 4455 miniclip games 修草大行動小游戲- 4399小游戲

Establish and revise sop and the training materials 不斷建立和修改sop及培訓教材。

The form is incomplete . please revise your input 表格不完整.請修改你的輸入

The revised review cycle was implemented in 2000 經修改的周期已于二零零零年實行。

Revised preliminary estimates of gross domestic product 本地生產總值的修訂初步估計

Details of the revised set of net fee are tabled below 新收費詳情請參閱以下表格。

In the state of temperature difference setting not revised 正在溫差設置狀態未修改

The situation to revise the civil law is ove 并真正使隱私權的保護能落到實處。

Measure and revise the site until suitable 測量并修正安裝位置直至適合安裝。

The revised code is effective from 1 december 2001 經修訂守則由年月日起生效。

Immigration department to revise fees on june 19 入境事務處將于六月十九日調整收費

Sos mother love mistakes and the choice of revising method 母愛誤區與校正方向選擇

Revised duty - free concessions effective from april 1 新煙酒免稅額四月一日生效

Figures for the third quarter of 2004 were revised figures 的數字是修訂數字。

Revised capital standards for banks , 5 august 2004 新的銀行資本標準, 2004年8月5日

I ' ll have to revise my ideas about our teacher 我必須改變我對我們老師們的看法。

The government published a revised digital 21 it strategy 香港政府發表最新修訂的

It has been decided that the book shall be revised 已經決定這本書要重新修訂。

The benefit schedule may be revised by the company 本公司可修訂有關之賠償表。