
revisal n.修訂,校訂;修訂本;【印刷】校對。


Resemble with the digital watermark methods of the other media such as still image and video , digital audio watermark must account for some problems which consist of perceptual transparency , data bit rate , robustness , security and real - time etc . the robustness of watermark is vital to the practical application , which requires the watermark providing with significant data since it suffered from some intended attacks or unintended revisal 與靜態圖像、視頻等數字水印方法類似,音頻水印的研究主要須解決感知透明性、數據嵌入率、魯棒性、安全性以及實時性等問題。水印算法的魯棒性對于實際應用來說是至關重要的,它要求數字水印在遭受有意的攻擊或無意的修改后,仍能提供有意義的數據,這一性能對版權保護的應用顯得尤為突出。

This paper explores improving the relativity of accountancy information from two aspects : the first is upgrading the current financial report system , for which the author proposes that part of items in the current financial statements should be improved and relevant statements such as overall income statememt should be included ; the second is upgrading the current financial analysis method , including development of du pont analysis method and revisal of wale proportion analysis method , for which the author proposes that attention should be paid to the financial analysis , meanwhile enhance analysis of unfinancial index , establish banlance marl record and a set of efficient evaluation system by applying synthetic grade - point method 本論文從兩個方面探索提高會計信息的相關性,一是對現行財務報告體系的改進,提出應改進現有報表的部分項目,并增加全面收益表等相關的報表;二是對現行財務分析方法的改進,包括對杜邦分析方法的衍展及沃爾比重分析法的修正,提出應在重視財務分析的同時加強非財務指標的分析,建立平衡記分卡,運用綜合評分法建立一套高效的績效評價體系。

The fourth chapter makes comprehensive description of the current rules of system of capital of our country , and points out revisal directions and improvable measures of practical system of capital of a corporation of our country 第四章詳述了我國的公司資本制度面臨的問題,并討論了我國對于三種資本制度應該作何選擇,以期的重構我國的公司資本制度,并提出了筆者的具體立法建議。

Economic irrationality is opposite to economic rationality , and it is an conceptual tool which combines the revisal , query , supplement and auxiliary of the normal formulas in the field of economic rational research 經濟非理性與經濟理性是一個相對立的范疇,它是集對經濟理性研究范式修正、質疑與補充、輔助的概念性工具。

Revisal of russian mineral law 俄羅斯礦物法的修改

A revisal and supplement on the study of 研究的訂正與補充

Reflection and revisal on no . 51 of administrative litigation law 行政訴訟法第51條規定之反思與修正