
revile vt.,vi.辱罵,漫罵;誹謗。n.-r 謾罵者。


It is simpler to vilify ronaldo , and add his name to a list of the reviled that , rightly or wrongly , already includes urs meier and diego simeone , than accept rooney ' s dismissal as a correct decision and pinpoint england ' s failure at their own feet 詆毀羅納爾多并把他與梅爾、西蒙尼相提并論比接受魯尼被罰下是正確的判罰、比接受英格蘭自食其果更為容易。

Two parts of a projected trilogy , u . s . a . land of opportunities , they evoked such fierce responses that he was lionized by some for his daring and artistry , and reviled by others as an anti - american fraud 預計拍三部的美國三部曲(又稱新命運三部曲)當中的兩部,引發強烈回應;捧他的人佩服他的膽識與藝術技巧,其他人則痛批他是個反美的騙子。

I want patience , said he , with those who without wit to enliven or learning to instruct , revile an ennobling profession which , saving the reverence due to the deity , is the greatest power for happiness upon the earth 彼等既無足以使人開心之機智又乏指導他人之學識,竟對護士這一高貴天職肆意辱罵,而除卻應予以敬畏之神明外,護士乃最造福人間者。

1 pet . 3 : 16 yet with meekness and fear , having a good conscience , so that in the matter in which you are spoken against , those who revile your good manner of life in christ may be put to shame 彼前三16且要帶著溫柔和敬畏,存著無虧的良心,叫你們在何事上被毀謗,就在何事上,可以叫那誣賴你們的人,因你們在基督里的好品行,感到羞愧。

Yet with meekness and fear , having a good conscience , so that in the matter in which you are spoken against , those who revile your good manner of life in christ may be put to shame 16且要帶著溫柔和敬畏,存著無虧的良心,叫你們在何事上被毀謗,就在何事上,可以叫那誣賴你們的人,因你們在基督里的好品行,感到羞愧。

Although such techniques are often disparaged and reviled , in my view they have on balance helped farmers immensely , and are certainly crucial to understanding the modern agricultural world 。盡管這些技術常常受到貶低和責罵,但在我看來,它們對農業的生產經營者起到了巨大的幫助,對理解現代的農業世界非常關鍵。

Jude 9 but michael the archangel , when he contended with the devil and disputed concerning the body of moses , did not dare to bring a reviling judgment against him but said , the lord rebuke you 猶9天使長米迦勒與魔鬼爭辯,為摩西的身體爭論的時候,尚且不敢以神對他的判辭毀謗他,只說,主責備你吧。

But michael the archangel , when he contended with the devil and disputed concerning the body of moses , did not dare to bring a reviling judgment against him but said , the lord rebuke you 9天使長米迦勒與魔鬼爭辯,為摩西的身體爭論的時候,尚且不敢以神對他的判辭毀謗他,只說,主責備你吧。

The book - written with diana ' s cooperation - exposed the princess ' s battles with bulimia and depression , and reviled charles as an unfaithful husband 此書(在戴安娜本人的幫助下完成)揭開了戴安娜王妃如何與易餓癥和精神抑郁癥斗爭的過程,同時斥責了查爾斯作為丈夫不忠的一面。

This liberation both fascinated and terrified the more conservative traditions , who alternately reviled and wondered at the ecstatics ' practices and powers 這些革命性的行為嚇壞了別的保守的學派,但也讓他們看到了好處。他們斥責教團的做法,卻為他們最后因此獲得的力量驚嘆。

As american attitudes toward minorities and toward ethnic differences have changed in recent years , the long - reviled chinese have gained wide acceptance 因近年來美國人對少數民族和對種族、宗教上的文化差異的態度有所改變,長期被謾罵的中國人已得到廣泛的承認。

Not rendering evil for evil or reviling for reviling , but on the contrary blessing one another , because you were called to this , that you might inherit blessing 9不以惡報惡,或以辱罵還辱罵,倒要祝福,因你們是為此蒙召,好叫你們承受福分。

[ kjv ] let christ the king of israel descend now from the cross , that we may see and believe . and they that were crucified with him reviled him 以色列的王基督、現在可以從十字架上下來、叫我們看見、就信了。那和他同釘的人也是譏誚他。

Mary todd lincoln is probably the single most reviled woman in american history . if the causes are few , the reasons given are numerous 瑪麗托德林肯可能是美國歷史上遭受誹謗最多的一位婦女。究其原因不足掛齒,提出的理由卻不可勝數。

They expound & glorify their own doctrines , but as for the doctrines of others , they deprecate them , revile them , show contempt for them , & disparage them 他們闡述、頌揚自己的教義,但是對于他人的教義,則貶低、辱罵、鄙視、毀謗。

The poor , as we have already said , whom she sought out to be the objects of her bounty , often reviled the hand that was stretched forth to succour them 如前所述,她一心一意接濟窮苦人,但她伸出的救援之手所得到的回根卻是謾罵。

At the voice of the enemy , at the stares of the wicked ; for they bring down suffering upon me and revile me in their anger 3 [和合]都因仇敵的聲音,惡人的3欺壓;因為他們將4罪孽加在我身上,發怒氣逼迫我。

Blessed are ye , when men shall revile you , and persecute you , and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely , for my sake 11人若因我辱罵你們,逼迫你們,捏造各樣壞話毀謗你們,你們就有福了。

Whereas angels , though they are greater in strength and power , do not bring a reviling judgment against them before the lord 11就是天使,雖然力量、權能更大,還不用毀謗的判辭,在主面前告他們。