
reviewer n.1.評論家,評論員,評論作者。2.校閱者。3.檢閱者...


Two reviewers independently did the search and data extraction . 57 trials were included 兩個評論家獨立地做了調查和數據采集,包含了57個試驗。

Rational select and arrange reviewers - an effective approach to improving quality of paper reviewing 合理選配審稿人是提高審稿質量的有效途徑

Magazine reviewer as saying , “ does distributed computing have to be any harder than this 雜志評論員的話: “難道分布式計算一定比這還難嗎?

Your reviewer ' s mind wandered , as she explored ways of not reading this book 當她在找尋不讀這本書的方法的時候,你的思緒就會開始騷動。

You were selected by the reviewers on our website as the best director of the year 2003 去年你憑大丈夫,被本網影評人選為最佳導演。

There is no way to completely prevent deliberate fraud , the reviewers cautioned 調查人員稱,故意的研究作假行為確實很難完全杜絕。

Profiles of authors of articles in sci - tech journals should help journals to select peer reviewers 應有助于科技期刊遴選審稿專家

The author would like to thank dave mulley for his contribution as a technical reviewer 感謝技術評論家dave mulley所作的貢獻。

I wonder what made the reviewer pass over this aspect of the book in silence 我不知道書評作者為什么只字不提該書的這一方面。

I once wrote a squib on them - the critics , or the reviewers , rather . 我寫過一篇文章諷刺他們那些找茬專家,亦稱書評家。 ”

Some new results of quantitative evaluation indexes on peer reviewer comments 關于同行評議專家定量評估指標研究的幾個新結果

But reviewers complain this work is too mystierious and esoteric 但是對文本特征的把握不夠使得此書長期以來像天書一般無解。

Our reviewer ryan is a fan of men suddenly in black 這樣就能令自己在一個不可能的情況下,去完成一些自己喜歡的事情。

Discuss on estimation of reviewing result of peer reviewer and its modeling 同行評議專家工作業績測評及其模型研究

Rule # 34 : nasa has established a set of reviewers and a set of reviews Nasa已經建立了一整套的考評與考評人制度。

But you know my opinion on the reviewers and the alleged critics 不過我對書評家和所謂的評論家的意見是知道的。

The reviewer passed / made several strictures upon the author ' s style 書評家對位作者的文風進行了嚴厲的批評。

A friendly reviewer can do a world of good for your business 一個友善的軟件使用者會滿世界幫你的軟件說好話。

How to select and train young peer reviewers for sci - tech journals 論科技期刊編輯部對年輕審稿者的選拔與培養