
review vt.1.再看,再閱,復閱;重行檢查,再驗查;檢查;審查...


For individuals below the top level, quarterly reviews may be enough . 對于高層以下的人員,每季度進行一次檢查可能就夠了。

Their review should be consulted for a more detailed description of the work . 他們的評論可作為這項工作詳細記述的參考。

Some methods for accomplishing this program are reviewed in the following section . 下一節評議完成這一程序的一些方法。

Reviewing money matters is how i shall spend most of the six months . 六個月中大部分時間我要干的就是審理有關錢的問題。

It is desirable to review in this book the fundamental concepts and principles . 本書擬就一些基本概念和原理作出評述。

A more compact review of a tutorial nature was published by ginzburg . 金茲伯格則發表了一篇指導性質的更簡明的述評。

In the sections that follow, we shall begin with a review of newton's laws . 從下面幾節,我們將開始復習牛頓的定律。

In any other country the review would be known by a crude name . 在其它任何國家,這種調查都會得到一個難聽的名字。

It would be beneficial to review the fundamental theory of electrostatics . 因此有必要對靜電的基本理論作一簡介。

Review of the various uranium areas shows a range in provenance . 概括各個不同的含鈾區,即可得出一個來源的范圍。

Since peano's approach is very widely used we shall review it . 由于Peano的處理方法已被廣泛使用,我們將介紹它。

The state medical service has been very much under review recently . 最近正在對國家的醫療事業進行認真的檢查。

An eighteenth-century satirist reviewed the troublesome period . 一位18世紀的諷刺作家對這一動亂時期作了評論。

The drawing procedure is reviewed before interpreting this figure . 在解釋這個圖以前,先復習一下畫圖的方法。

The book was kindly and favourably reviewed in the principal papers . 這本書得到幾家主要報紙的贊許和好評。

She reviewed the heady days behind and the challenges ahead . 她回顧了過去令人傷腦筋的日子和未來的挑戰。

Lord placed the report on a pile of others previously reviewed . 洛德把這份報告同已經審查過的放到一起。

Norton has reviewed conditions of deposition of the uranium host rocks . 諾頓論述了含鈾主巖的沉積條件。

At lioyds the concept of sponsorship is constantly being reviewed . 在勞合銀行贊助的觀念始終受到懷疑。