
revery n.=reverie.


S opened the door of the study and had disappeared before he had recovered from the painful and profound revery into which his thwarted vengeance had plunged him . the clock of the invalides struck one when the carriage which conveyed madame de morcerf away rolled on the pavement of the champs - elys es , and made monte cristo raise his head 復仇變成了泡影,使他陷入一種痛苦難受的恍惚狀態中去,在他還沒有從這種恍惚狀態中醒來,美塞苔絲已打開書房的門出去了,當馬車載著馬爾塞夫夫人在香榭麗舍大道上駛去的時候,殘廢軍人院鐘敲響了半夜一點的鐘聲鐘聲使基督山抬起頭來。

There was a moment s silence , during which sinbad gave himself up to thoughts that seemed to occupy him incessantly , even in the midst of his conversation ; and franz abandoned himself to that mute revery , into which we always sink when smoking excellent tobacco , which seems to remove with its fume all the troubles of the mind , and to give the smoker in exchange all the visions of the soul 房間里暫時沉默了一會兒,這時,辛巴德繼續想著他的事,他似乎老是在想某種念頭,甚至在談話的時候也不曾間斷過弗蘭茲則默默地陷入了一種恍惚迷離的狀態之中,這是吸上等煙草時常有的現象,煙草似乎把腦子里的一切煩惱都帶走了,使吸煙者的腦子里出現了形形色色的幻景玄想。

Joe : i know but i ' ve got a funny feeling i must pay at tention to it > if necessary , you ' ll monitor all the kids ' calls and letters revery single one 喬:我知道,但是這件事我覺的不太對進.而且每當我有不太對進的感覺是,一定會加倍留意.若有必要,你最好檢查每個孩子的每一個電話與每一個信件

S was at length roused from his revery by the voice of faria , who , having also been visited by his jailer , had come to invite his fellow - sufferer to share his supper 一個聲音把他從恍惚迷離的狀態中喚醒,是法利亞神甫。法利亞在獄卒查看過以后過來邀請他共進晚餐了。

Then , arousing from his revery , - “ now , sir , i have one request to make to you , which you will understand , even if it should be disagreeable to you . 然后,他從迷糊狀中醒來,說: “現在,閣下,我對您只有一項請求了,那件事,即使您不愿意,也一定能諒解我的。 ”

But passing his hand across his forehead as if to dispel his revery , he rang the bell twice and bertuccio entered 然后,象是要驅散他這種恍惚狀態似的,手抹一抹他的額頭,拉了兩下鈴,貝爾圖喬進來了。

He seated himself on the edge of that terrible bed , and fell into melancholy and gloomy revery 他在那張可拍的床上坐了下來,陷入了一種憂郁,迷憫的狀態之中。

The countess made no reply . she fell into so deep a revery that her eyes gradually closed 她已深深地沉入了一種思索之中,她的兩眼漸漸地閉了起來。

You ' revery lucky 你們真是好福氣