
revert vi.1.恢復原狀;回復(舊習慣等);復辟,復歸(原主等...


The fields have reverted to moorland 那片田地又變成了荒地。

Reverting a database to a database snapshot 恢復到數據庫快照

Combat system updates : system reverted to coh infantry combat 作戰系統升級:系統回復coh步兵戰斗。

Method to revert the impersonation , as shown in the following code 方法恢復模擬,如以下代碼所示。

I would not want to have to revert to our previous search methods 我不會再使用以前的搜索方法了。

Before reverting , you should familiarize yourself with the information in 在執行恢復之前,應熟悉

Revert the source database to the snapshot 將源數據庫恢復到快照

Attribute , reverting to the default value 屬性,而是恢復為默認值

Usually , an admin will be around to revert the bad changes 一般,管理員會來做恢復頁面的工作。

For more information on reverting , see 有關恢復的詳細信息,請參閱

Which revert the effects of assert and deny functions ,它們可恢復assert和deny函數的效果。

Method , the version of the column reverts to 方法,列版本便會還原為

To revert a database to a database snapshot 將數據庫恢復到數據庫快照

There would be no extremes to revert from 而不會出現股價走向極端、然后再返回均值的情況。

To revert to the old , non - standard behavior 恢復為原來的非標準行為。

Reverting to a snapshot drops all the full - text catalogs 恢復到快照會刪除所有全文目錄。

On the cause of formation of reverted word order in modern chinese 淺談話語中的文化預設

Reverting a user s settings to the predefined defaults 將用戶的設置還原為預定義的默認值

He reverted to smoking when under stress 他因受到壓力又恢復了吸煙的習慣。