
reversion n.1. 回復;復原;逆演;顛倒,反轉。2.【生物學】回...


Effect of compound huoxiang and baishao on the reversion of hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis b based on the turbid - poison theory 白芍復方逆轉慢性肝纖維化的從濁毒論治效果

Unplasticized polyvinylchloride profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors - determination of heat reversion ; german version en 479 : 1995 未增塑聚氯乙烯門窗型材.熱收縮性測定

A subtle variant of the mean reversion case is put forward by jeremy grantham of the fund management group gmo 原譯: gmo基金管理公司的杰若米?格蘭森提出均值回歸實例的一個微變量。

Hundreds of societies have registered since reversion , and no applications for registration have been denied 香港回歸后,有數以百計的社團登記注冊,沒有任何注冊申請遭到拒絕。

With the addition of the new approval process , the administrator can now approve or reject a name change reversion 通過添加新的審批過程,管理員現在可以批準或拒絕名稱更改回復。

This gene was designed to only “ switch on “ in cells that completed the reversion to the embryonic stem cell state 這種基因被設計為只適用于那些完全轉化為胚胎干細胞的細胞中。

Reversion of land held under feudal tenure to the manor in the absence of legal heirs or claimants 無繼承人的土地規領主缺少法定繼承人或繼承申請者的封地的所有權的轉歸領主

Study on drug resistance reversion and mechanism of bushen huayu jiedu formula in lung cancer cells of drug resistance 補腎化瘀解毒方藥對肺癌耐藥細胞的耐藥逆轉及機制研究

Thickness reversion method of water layer behind high acoustic impedance from one - dimension reflective data 利用一維單道聲反射實現強聲阻抗介質下的流體層厚度反演方法

The reversion against malignant phenotype induced by ascorbic acid and sodium selenite in human hepatoma cells in culture 抗壞血酸和亞硒酸鈉對肝癌細胞逆轉的研究

Unplasticized polyvinylchloride profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors . determination of heat reversion 窗戶制造用未增塑聚氯乙烯型材.熱收縮性測定

The sensor response and reversion time is 8s and 18s respectively , so the sensor can work normally 該元件的恢復響應時間分別為8s和18s ,能夠保證其正常使用。

Thermoplastics pipes - longitudinal reversion - test methods and parameters iso 2505 : 2005 ; german version en iso 2505 : 2005 熱塑性管.縱向回縮.試驗方法和參數

Effect of cyclosporine a , raloxifene and their combination on the reversion of multidrug resistace of k562 a02 line 干擾素對白血病細胞多藥耐藥的逆轉作用

Research of ultrasound and clinic on guan xin i hao in reversion of myocardial hypertrophy complicated by chd 號對冠心病并心肌肥厚逆轉的超聲及臨床研究

Analysis on the inspiration model of labor contracts in enterprise - a reversion selection before the ethics risk 一種發生在道德風險之前的逆向選擇問題

What reflections occupied his mind during the process of reversion of the inverted volumes 當他把上下顛倒的書重新調整過來的時候,心里有些什么感想?

Standard practice for estimating the quality of extruded poly vinyl chloride pipe by the heat reversion technique 用熱回復技術評定擠壓聚乙烯管的質量

Application of lumbar potential recording in monitoring the development and reversion of cauda equina syndrome 誘發電位在馬尾神經壓迫損傷中的應用