
reversibility n.可逆(性);正反[表里]兩用,(命令、判決等)可撤銷...


The redox of v ( ) / v ( ) , v ( ) / v ( ) couple on the graphite displayed one electron quasi - reversibility . it is proved that trace in3 + , sb3 + can inhibit cathodic hydrogen evolution during the charge process by increasing the hydro - gen overvoltage in addition that sb3 + is a stabilizing / kinetic enhancing ion . during the charge / discharge process , cross - mix and self - discharge rarely happened . the maximal energy density of the lab - level vanadium battery is 21 wh / kg . the capacity efficiency of the lab - level vanadium battery is as high as 94 . 7 % 釩電池充電末期,會發生水的電解反應,痕量銦離子的加入提高了析氫過電位,抑制了充電過程中負極氫氣的析出;銻離子的加入不僅可以抑制氫氣的析出,還提高了正極反應速率,增強了正極表面的穩定性。實驗中得到的最高質量比能量為21wh / kg ,充放電過程中僅有極少的交叉混合和自放電發生,自制釩電池的容量效率可高達94 . 7 %

Although physical entraping is a simple method for sensor membrane preparation , the leaching of fluorescence carrier is a major disadvantage . a central research topic is searching new fluorescence carriers with high sensitivity , good selectivity , excellent reversibility and stability . along this line , the author of present thesis paid attention to naphthalimide , carbazole and porphyrin derivatives 本論文主要工作是合成新型具有可共聚端基雙鍵、性能優良的熒光載體,將熒光載體與其它單體在紫外光照下共聚在經過處理的石英或普通玻璃上制成光極膜,而后研究其分析特性及應用。

This talk will focus on work at the university of british columbia dealing with the reasons for the loss of reversibility , the role of sulphur in hastening loss of reactivity , alternative sorbents , means of improving sorbent performance , and long - term issues of practical importance which need to be addressed if calcium sorbents are to play a role in sequestration of co2 本講題將主要介紹英國哥倫比亞大學在處理可逆損失原因、硫磺在促使反應損失中的作用、可選吸附劑、吸附劑性能的改進方法以及鈣基吸附劑在分離二氧化碳的作用方面的工作。

Thirdly , the functions of reversibility of the built bar code and changeableness of the color of bar code have been improved by combining various build algorithms with the methods of software programming . as vc + + 6 . 0 is used as the design platform for the generative system of bar code , and the ways of software programming have been learned and the build principles of program frame as well as the coding principles of menu , dialog box , toolbar , . document and view have been applied to finish the software finally 再次,是把各種算法與計算機軟件編程知識相結合,對常用軟件條碼方案中存在的生成條碼不可修改、條碼顏色太過單一這兩點不足之處進行了相應的改進;本課題選用vc + + 6 . 0作為條碼生成系統的設計平臺,系統學習了該編程平臺編寫軟件的方法,并應用程序框架的執行原理,菜單、對話框、工具欄以及文檔視圖的編寫原理,最終實現了條碼生成系統軟件化過程。

Tem reveals that the complex possessed good dispersibility in the system and the status varied reversibility with the ph value and the size of the complex is within 20 ~ 40nm . the complex was characterized by ft - ir , uv - vis , fluoresence and electrical conductivity methods . paa - ag nanospheres were also synthesized by coordination of polyacrylic acid and silver ( i ) ion and queued in line in lr 本論文還以低分子量的聚丙烯酸和硝酸銀為主要原料,通過控制體系的ph值合成響應環境ph值變化的聚丙烯酸銀納米微球和納米柱狀物,通過tem觀察尺寸達20 - 40nm ,用ir 、 uv - vis 、熒光、電導率法分析聚丙烯酸和銀的配位作用、所形成配合物的組成與結構,并將聚丙烯酸和硝酸銀置于“線性反應器”中進行配位聚合,合成出線性排列的paa - ag納米微球。

The results of measuring h + diffusion coefficient of each charge - discharge cycle show that the coefficient of the sample electrode and the sample electrode added ni ( oh ) 2 do not decrease with the cycles . therefore , the reversibility of electrode is improved . meanwhile , it is confirmed that ni ( oh ) 2 can reduce the formation of inactive mn3o4 在每一周充放后的質子擴散系數的測定結果證實了采用部分還原樣以及摻ni ( oh ) _ 2的樣品電極在充放過程中,質子擴散系數并不減小,電極的可逆性提高,同時也證實了ni ( oh ) _ 2在電極的放電區間內能有效抑制mn _ 3o _ 4的形成

The optode shows a satisfactory linear response for the dissolved oxygen in water ( r = 0 . 9992 , n = 6 ) the relative standard deviations were 1 . 7 % 5 . 0 % , the detection limit was 0 . 03 11 g / ml ( sfn = 3 ) . the exposure time and recovery time of the optode membrane are 30s and 90s respectively . the reversibility of the fluorescence signal was evaluated by alternate measurements in oxygen saturated water and nitrogen - purged water 7 5刀之間,最低檢出限為0刀3pg il ;考察了標準海水中主要離子濃度放大1倍后的樣品溶液、鹽度在0 49范圍內的人工海水,以及ph在l 13范圍內的緩沖溶液等干擾因素的對膜響應的影響,結果無顯著性干擾;將本法與國標法相比較,驗證了方法的可用性,最終用于在線監測海水中的溶解氧。

On the one hand , open market operation has many advantages which include flexibility , reversibility and transparency . in addition , open market operation combine the monetary policy and fiscal policy . on the other hand , open market operation has some disadvantages . for example , open market operation is partly determined by external factors such as desire of commercial bank 本文從公開市場業務的基本理論及其在貨幣政策調控中的地位出發,接著對美聯儲公開市場業務進行考察,并對其經驗進行了總結。隨后對中國央行公開市場業務的發展進程和取得的成就進行了梳理,并指出中國央行公開市場業務存在的問題。

The second section : the basic theory of teaching strategies of problem - solving based on the theory of constructivism , this article revacates the essence , mental process and influential factors of problem - solving , trying to reveal the nature , motive of characteristics problem - solving study and teaching , according to this , the article puts forward the ways of problems and its features , such as circumstance , construction , positive ness , popularity , accumulation and reversibility ; besides , encouragement , democracy , coordination demonstration and conition have also been raised 第二部分:問題解決教學策略的理論基礎首先簡要地介紹了心理學的新成果? ?建構主義學習理論的知識觀、學習觀及學習特征,然后以此為指導,重新審視了數學問題解決及其心理過程、影響因素,提出了數學問題解決是以目標為定向,以思維為內涵的心理活動,其本質是一種思維構造,是一種建構已知情景到目標情景的橋梁的思維構造。

Further requirements such as higher electrochemical capacity and better reversibility are advanced to lithium ion battery with the development of our society . in the first cycle of lithium ion battery , solvent decomposition reaction on the surface of electrode will lead to the formation of a passivating layer , commonly named solid electrolyte interface film ( sei film ) 在鋰離子電池的充放電過程中,電極和電解質界面區由于電解質與電極材料之間的相互作用而在電極表面形成一層厚度在幾個納米范圍的表面層,這個表面層被稱為固體電解質中間相( solidelectrolyteinterfacefilm ,簡稱sei膜) 。

The thesis introduces the development of coating glasses and expatiates the developing trends of energy save coating glasses in future : low cost materials , high efficiency making technology , high quality and good function . ce02 - tioz complex films have received abroad attention as their high reflective index , excellent ultraviolet ray ( uv ) absorbing properties , high charge - storage capacity and good electrochemical reversibility 本論文介紹了綠色鍍膜玻璃的發展,對各類別節能鍍膜玻璃膜系結構、光性能特點以及鍍膜玻璃的制備方法進行了概括,闡述了未來綠色鍍膜玻璃的發展趨勢:采用低成本原材料和高效方便的制備工藝,制備具有復合型多功能薄膜具有更強的市場競爭力。

It was found that in the simulated physiological solution , the hydrogen bindings between some amido groups in the mp - 11 molecules are decomposed and the mp - 11 dimers become monomers . it induces the increase in the contents of the a - helical and ( 3 - turn conformation , the decrease in the content of the random coil conformation of mp - 11 as well as the increase in the exposure extent of the heme group . therefore , the reversibility of the electrochemical reaction and the electrocatalytic activity of mp - 11 for h2o2 reduction increase comparing the situation in the aqueous solution 發現在模擬生理條件下, mp - 11分子的多肽鏈上一些酰氨基的氫鍵發生了解離,使部分雙聚的mp - 11分子變成單體分子, mp - 11分子二級結構中-螺旋和-轉角結構的含量增加,無規卷曲結構含量降低,導致了mp - 11分子中血紅素的暴露程度變大,因此mp - 11電化學反應的可逆性和對h _ 2o _ 2還原的電催化活性比在水溶液中有所增加。

Between 12 and 24 months it is probable that the child still doesn ' t recognize himself , but the mirror game can help consolidate some of the concepts that he already knows , like the permanence of an object ? or rather the fact that even things that he sees and then doesn ' t see exist anyway ? the possibility to intervene on the reality and on the reversibility of situations 在12和24個月之間孩子仍然不認識自己是很可能的,但是鏡子比賽能幫助鞏固他已經知道的一些概念,像永久的目標一樣更精確地說那些事實他看見的事情,或是和現實相反的情境。

Am fungi are the widely distributed soil microbe , which can promote host - plant to take up mineral elements from soil , regulate metabolism action inside the host - plant , and enhance anti - reversibility of plants , and promote plant growth , and increase yield of plants , and improve quality of plants 摘要叢枝菌根真菌是廣泛分布的一類土壤微生物,與植物共生后,能夠促進宿主對土壤中礦質元素的吸收,調節宿主體內的代謝活動,增強植物的抗逆性,促進植物生長,增加作物產量,改善作物品質。

Electrolysis by which high vanaiudm electrolyte , such as 5mol / l voso4 + 5 mol / l h2so4 , can be prepared may benifit commercialization of vanadium battery . conditions of electrode can affect greatly the vanadium electrode reaction , even reversibility of it . the graphite electrodes treated by acid and heating can enhance the reversibility and kinetic of the electrode reaction 實驗表明:電解法可以制得高達5mol / lvoso4 + 5mol / lh2so4的高濃度釩液流電解質,適宜于大規模生產,有利于釩電池的實用化。

The stretching vibration of v = o shifts to lower wavenumbers , which is contributed to the oet v : = o bonding interaction . the intercalation of peo effectively shields the electrostatic interaction between li + ions and v2o5 layers , resulting in the improvement of the cycling reversibility and stability of li + ions insertion / extraction in the interlayer of v2o5 xerogel and the improvement of electrochromic behavior of the films 通過電學、電化學和光學性能測試結果表明: peo的嵌入,有效屏蔽了vzos層對li十離子的靜電作用及peo與li十離子之間產生的絡合作用,大大提高了li +離子在氧化物層間的嵌入容量、嵌入/脫出可逆性和穩定性,有效提高了薄膜的電致變色性能尤其是在近紫外區的陰極電致變色性能。

The first kind of algorithm is based on s - box controlled by key , the algorithm distinguishes most of other block ciphers , its visible quality is that its s - box is not regular and fixative , but controlled by block cipher ' s key . the second kind of algorithm is based on smn ( d ) array code , it makes full use of the visible quality of smn ( d ) array code possessing big code distance ( d ) . the thesis discusses the two algorithms “ reversibility , security and their qualities , the 第一種是基于“ s -盒由密鑰控制”的變結構分組密碼,該算法區別于其它大部分分組密碼最大的特點是它的s -盒不是固定不變的而是由密鑰控制產生;第二種是基于smn ( d )陣列編碼的變結構分組密碼,該算法充分利用了smn ( d )陣列編碼具有碼距大的特點;文中對這兩個算法的可逆性、安全性及其性能等進行了探討和分析,分析結果認為這兩個變結構算法正確、有效且安全。

Based on summarizing li - ion batteries , some pertinent data and looking into the status quo about spinel limna research at home and abroad , it “ s known that the deficiency of the material lies in inhomogeneity . motley phase . instability as well as poor reversibility 本文在綜述鋰離子電池及其相關材料的基礎上,分析了國內外尖晶石limn _ 2o _ 4的研究現狀,可知limn _ 2o _ 4正極材料的不足之處在于材料的均勻性不好,合成產物物相多,結構不穩定,從而導致材料性能差。

The mechanisms of dehydrogenization and sulfuration reaction were deduced on the basis of the characterization results . the charge capacities , reversibilities and self - discharge properties of the above - mentioned composites were systematically studied in lithium batteries based on gel electrolytes 將上述復合材料制備成正極,結合凝膠電解質組裝成鋰電池,研究了復合材料的比容量、循環性能、充放電可逆性、自放電等多種電化學性能。