
reversal n.1.顛倒,倒轉,反轉,逆轉,反向;反復。2.【法律】...


Transmission reversal , terminal systems 終端機系統傳輸可逆性

And now , in a dramatic reversal of illegal immigration 現在,在一個戲劇性的反向非法移民浪潮中

Analysis of domain reversal characteristics of plzt ferroelectric thin film 鐵電薄膜反轉特性分析

Method for determining the speed of colour reversal camera films 彩色反轉照相膠片感光度測定方法

On cancer multidrug resistance reversal 腫瘤細胞多藥耐藥逆轉研究

The accidental magic reversal department was dispatched immediately 魔法事故處理科立即出動

Split vehicle reversal monitoring device 分離式鏡頭倒車影像監視裝置

Rolling ring drives with instantaneous reversal 瞬時換向滾動環驅動器

Optional isolation and polarity - reversal relays 隔離與倒極繼電器選項

Elasto - plastic model of soft clay under reversal load 往復荷載下軟土的邊界面廣義彈塑性模型

Wireless vehicle reversal monitoring device 無線式鏡頭倒車影像監視裝置

Rolling ring drives with reversal slowdown feature 換向減速滾動環驅動器

Could another reversal be on its way 難道是,下一次的地磁反轉即將來臨?

Use of reversal agents in the endoscopy suite 使用催醒復蘇劑的鎮靜及止痛

Magnetic field polarity reversals are magnetic poleshifts 磁場極性逆轉就是磁極轉換。

Reversal of multidrug resistance by thapsigargin in k562 a02 cells 02細胞耐藥性的影響

Use of reversal agents in the cardiac cath lab 使用催醒復蘇劑的鎮靜及止痛

Magistrate reversal games - 4455 miniclip games 逆轉裁判小游戲- 4399小游戲

The era of civil war and reversal of the social order 元朝的進攻內亂與下克上的時代