
reverie n.1.冥想,沉思;空想,幻想,白日夢;夢想,妄想,奇想...


Not until the light porter announced that her nocturnal sweetbread was ready , did mrs . sparsit arouse herself from her reverie 一直等到小茶房來通知她,說她晚餐的牛?子已經預備好了的時候,斯巴塞太太才從夢想中清醒了過來。

Gaston bachelard , the poetics of reverie , tr . daniel russell , beacon press , boston , “ reverie and cosmos ” , pp . 171 - 212 巴什拉,夢想的詩學,劉自強譯,生活讀書新知三聯書店,北京, 1996 ,第五章,夢想與宇宙,頁217 - 268

Then it was time to go and my reverie had to end . as i began walking again , i drifted back into this time frame , calm and cleared 該結束沉思離開了!我舉步前行時,思緒又轉回到現實中來,而此時感覺如此平靜,如此清新。

I experienced the most complex and indelible time in my life , including sorrow , happy , defection , wobble and reverie (我經歷了我一生中最復雜也是最難忘的時光,包含了悲傷,快樂,背叛,動搖和幻想的時光。

The knowledge that these reveries are common to all men should inspire one with tolerance to oneself as well as to others 每個人都會有這樣的怪念頭,這樣的認識應該能啟發我們寬容自己,也寬容他人。

And then , it turns up and ends in a soul - stirring love song of jing , arousing infinite aftertaste and reverie 然后峰回路轉,把全片結束在一詠三嘆、蕩氣回腸的京族情歌上,給人以無窮的回味與遐想。

With no longer a companion to distract her , tess fell more deeply into reverie than ever , her back leaning against the hives 她的同伴不再打攪她,她就向后靠在蜂箱上,比以前更加深沉地思索起來。

The knowledge that these reveries are common to all men should inspire one with tolerance to oneself as well as to others 大家都會有這些怪念頭,這個認識應該激勵我們寬容自己也寬容他人。

“ hey , “ he greets her , and she looks up , startled from some reverie . her eyes are rimmed with red . “ you okay ? 他問候道,此時她從幻想中驚醒,抬起頭來。她的眼眶充滿了血絲。 “你沒事吧? ”

Helen sighed as her reverie fled , and getting up , obeyed the monitor without reply as without delay 海倫的幻想煙消云散,她長嘆一聲,站了起來,沒有回答,也沒有耽擱,便服從了這位班長。

Her father startled her out of a reverie one evening , by asking her when she had been to see jane wilson 一天傍晚,父親突然把她從沉思中驚醒,問她什么時候曾去看簡?威爾遜。

The serene music of debussy permeates this program , and his reverie gave us our title 德彪西平靜的樂曲彌漫在本章唱片中,而他的《夢幻曲》給我們以(享受的)資格。

The voice interrupted armon ' s reverie . “ he has not won yet , “ he countered , shaking his head 這個聲音打斷了艾蒙的沉思。 “但他還沒有贏。 ”他反駁自己道,搖了搖頭。

Alonso s magnificently raw yet poetic reverie is a minimalist masterpiece and a follow - up to his debut 說艾朗素悶藝只是沒用心去看,他畫面的吸力其實極強大。

But how do you mean - you have killed him ? i mean that i have , she murmured in a reverie “我的意思是說我真的把他殺了, ”她嘟噥著說,好像在夢里一樣。

Tess stood in reverie a long time before she thought of asking liza - lu to come in and sit down 苔絲聽后愣了半天,才想起來讓麗莎露進門坐下。

In the shadow of my reverie . a distraction to forget the need . i can ' t let go 沉溺在白日夢的影子里.忘記我需要的東西.我無法放手

A well entrenched reverie in contemporary television of a small latin american country 一個拉美小國當代電視中根深蒂固的夢想

Transferring water or increasing water - the anxiety and reverie about water resources in china 關于我國水資源的憂思與遐想