
reverential adj.表示尊敬的,出于虔誠的。adv.-ly


The soldiers , with reverential faces , lifted the covers to their mouths , drained them , and licking their lips and rubbing them with the sleeves of their coats , they walked away looking more good - humoured than before 士兵們流露出虔誠的神色把軍用水壺放到嘴邊,將酒一傾而盡,嗽嗽口,用軍大衣袖子揩揩嘴,帶著快活的樣子離開上士。

Yes , i have come to you , father , bringing a wife with child , said prince andrey , with eager and reverential eyes watching every movement of his fathers face . how is your health “爸爸,是我到您跟前來了,還把懷孕的老婆也帶來, ”安德烈公爵說道,他用興奮而恭敬的目光注視著他臉上每根線條流露的表情, “您身體好么? ”

The insect then circled around master three times before flying away . according to the buddhist scriptures , in ages past , circling an enlightened master three times was a very reverential salutation 說也奇怪,虎頭蜂好像聽懂師父的話,立刻放掉那只蜘蛛,并且繞著師父飛行三圈,然后就離開了。

No , he merely drew a pocketbook from his pocket , and took from it a paper folded in four , and after having examined it in a manner almost reverential , he said - “ good 他只是從口袋里摸出一只皮夾,從皮夾里抽出一張折成兩疊的紙片,用一種恭敬的態度把它察看了一遍以后,說: “好!

“ less reverential than razzle - dazzlin ' , more an episode in the history of show business than a religious epiphany . 耶穌受難記> )比混亂不堪還缺乏讓人尊敬之處,和宗教主顯節相比倒更像是歷史舞臺秀中的一場。

In delivering it she gave also clare s accent and manner with reverential faithfulness 她就把他說的話復述了一遍,甚至連他的音調和神態也模仿得惟妙惟肖。

Veneration is both the feeling and the reverential expression of respect , love , and awe : veneration 既為情感也是對尊敬熱愛或敬畏的虔誠表達方式

The most cleanly, decent, and reverential places of worship that are, perhaps, anywhere to be found in the christian world . 在基督教的世界上,到處可以找到這種非常潔凈,雅致,令人肅然起敬的祈圣之處。