
reverent adj.1.尊敬的,虔誠的,謙恭的。2.〔美俚〕(威士忌...


Then quite a group of boys and girls - playmates of tom s and joe s - came by , and stood looking over the paling fence and talking in reverent tones of how tom did so - and - so the last time they saw him , and how joe said this and that small trifle pregnant with awful prophecy , as they could easily see now 后來,有一大群男孩和女孩他們曾經是湯姆和喬的伙伴走了過來,站在那里向柵欄那邊看,用虔誠的語調講述著湯姆曾經如何干過什么事情,以及他們最后一次見到湯姆的情形。還有喬怎樣說了這樣和那樣的小事情。

From the phrases he had heard dropped about his father and natasha , from the emotion with which pierre spoke of him , and the circumspect , reverent tenderness with which natasha spoke of him , the boy , who was only just beginning to form his conceptions of love , had gathered the idea that his father had loved natasha , and had bequeathed her at his death to his friend 從皮埃爾談到他父親和娜塔莎的只字片語中,從皮埃爾談到小尼古拉的亡父時的激動心情中,從娜塔莎談到他亡父時又審慎又虔誠的態度中,這個初次意識到愛情的孩子猜想他的父親愛過娜塔莎,臨終時又把她托付給自己的好友。

And doubtless because nikolay did not allow himself to entertain the idea that he was doing anything for the sake of others , or for the sake of virtue , everything he did was fruitful . his fortune rapidly increased ; the neighbouring serfs came to beg him to purchase them , and long after his death the peasantry preserved a reverent memory of his rule 也許,正因為尼古拉沒有讓自己想到他是在為別人做好事,是在樂善好施,于是他所做的一切都是那么富于成效,他的財富迅速增加,鄰莊的農奴都來請求把他們買過去。

He would take off his hat , and would silence the light - tongued and the vicious in her presence - much as the irish keeper of a bowery hall will humble himself before a sister of mercy , and pay toll to charity with a willing and reverent hand 在她面前,他只是脫帽致敬,并讓那些輕薄惡少們閉上嘴-就像巴沃萊大街上下等娛樂場所的愛爾蘭老板會在天主教慈惠會的修女面前謙恭地低下頭,用虔誠的手心甘情愿地獻上慈善捐款。

He who would interpret scripture aright , therefore , must be a man of a reverent , humble , prayerful , teachable and obedient spirit ; otherwise , however tightly his mind may be “ stuffed with notions , ” he will never reach any understanding of spiritual realities 因此,若要正確地解釋《圣經》 ,人必須敬虔,謙卑,常常禱告,有受教和順服的靈;不然,心思不論充滿著什么觀念,都不可能明白屬靈的事實。

To them it had been in truth a miracle . they never got over it , and every letter they wrote him reflected their reverent awe of that first mysterious happening . they did not attempt to explain it 對他們說來那確實是個奇跡,而且他們的奇跡感一直沒有消失,他們給他的每一封信都表示對那神秘的初次成功肅然起敬。

Although a wicked man commits a hundred crimes and still lives a long time , i know that it will go better with god - fearing men , who are reverent before god 12罪人雖然作惡百次,倒享長久的年日。然而我準知道,敬畏神的,就是在他面前敬畏的人,終久必得福樂。

[ niv ] although a wicked man commits a hundred crimes and still lives a long time , i know that it will go better with god - fearing men , who are reverent before god 罪人既然作惡百次,還享長壽,那么我知道敬畏神的人,就是在他面前存敬畏的心的,必享福樂。

Although a wicked man commits a hundred crimes and still lives a long time , i know that it will go better with god - fearing men , who are reverent before god 罪人既然作惡百次,還享長壽,那么我知道敬畏神的人,就是在他面前存敬畏的心的,必享福樂。

They are usually middle - aged , working women in their everyday clothes , and gnarled elderly men . but the crowds are appreciative , if not particularly reverent 香港雖是彈丸之地,卻云集了世界各地的茗茶產品,綠茶茉莉花茶普洱烏等,應有盡有。

Left - wingers , cartoonist ted rall among them , are troubled by the reverent tone of most american media commentary 而美國的左翼人士其中也包括漫畫家泰德?拉爾,則對大多數美國媒體評論中的虔誠語氣感到不安。

Granted , he ' d never come with the intention of staying longer that a reverent silence , let alone to sit and talk 他承認,他從來沒有帶著長久虔誠地停留在這里的打算來過,更別提坐在這里或是交談了。

Real devotion is rooted in an awed and reverent gratitude , but one that is lucid , grounded , and intelligent 真正的恭敬心是根植在敬畏的、虔誠的感謝上,但卻不失清楚的覺知、腳踏實地和智慧。

The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe 資產階級抹去了一切向來受人尊崇和令人敬畏的職業的神圣光環。

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His father is the reverent mr clare at emminster - a good many miles from here 他的父親是愛敏寺的牧師克萊爾先生離這兒遠得很。 ”

The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity , an idol , or a sacred object 崇拜對神、偶像或神圣物體帶有敬畏或驚異的熱愛與熱誠

They all maintained a reverent silence 他們都保持肅靜。

Every face expressed reverent and awe - stricken curiosity 每個人的臉上都露出既恭敬又畏懼的好奇神情。