
reverence n.1.尊敬,崇敬。2.威望,〔古語〕敬禮;鞠躬。3.〔...


With due reverence , master 謹向師父致敬。

Huanglong people to thank , on this based dian imaging to show reverence 人們為感謝黃龍,就在此設殿造像,以示崇敬。

Ye shall keep my sabbaths , and reverence my sanctuary : i am the lord 你們要守我的安息日,敬我的圣所。我是耶和華。

People s reverence , would that it were turned to scorn and hatred 至于別人對我的尊重,我寧愿統統變成輕蔑與憤懣!

With reverence to master ching hai 敬獻清海師父

He presented it with reverence fit for a religious object 他畢恭畢敬地把那帆布包遞給我,似乎那包是件圣物

Worship the lord with reverence and rejoice with trembling 詩2 : 11當存畏懼事奉耶和華、又當存戰兢而快樂。

His reverence . mum s the word 19神父大人,閉上你的嘴。

Cynthia : so did i . it was the “ reverence for life “ award 辛西婭:我也看了。他們獲得尊重生命獎。

Reverence , ritual , and perfection in contemporary confucian political philosophy 完美與現代政治哲學

He removed his hat as a sign of reverence 他脫下帽子表示敬意

Responded mistress hibbins , making pearl a profound reverence 西賓斯太太對珠兒畢恭畢敬地說。

Reverence is a feeling of deep respect and devotion reverence 是深沉的敬意與奉獻這樣一種情感

But mordecai bowed not , nor did him reverence 惟獨末底改不跪不拜。

The old queen was held in great reverence 年老的女王受到極大的敬愛。

“ the people reverence thee , “ said hester “人們都尊重你, ”海絲特說。

Religious devotion and reverence to god 虔誠,虔敬宗教中對上帝的愛和尊敬

These students have reverence for their teacher 這些學生很尊敬他們的老師。

Repeated the doctor , bending his head with reverence 醫生虔誠地低下頭重復他的話。