
reverberate vi.1.反響,混響;反射;(球等)彈回。2.(反射爐)...


The remark , simple yet overwhelming , immediately invigorated a billion hearts , reverberating in the minds of countless people in china 這看似平淡的話語,卻含蘊著雷霆萬鈞的震撼力,振奮了千萬國人的精神,也激蕩了無數同胞的心靈。

One of the reasons that the depression is of interest to economists is that it reverberated through the world , a global economic event before globalisation took hold 書中許多處都對想從華盛頓開始重組世界的人的評判表示贊同。

Drums thundering out the sound of a racing heartbeat reverberated under the soaring glass wings of a futuristic oval arena 在這個未來風格的橢圓形體育場中,震天的鼓聲仿佛急速的心跳聲,在體育場高聳入云的玻璃側翼下回蕩。

“ when you have a financial crisis , it reverberates in other financial markets , especially in those with speculative excess , “ he said “當你經歷金融危機時,它將波及其它金融市場,特別是那些投機過盛的領域”他這樣指出。

Some eleven months ago , structural weaknesses of some asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world 約在十一個月前,部分亞洲國家在經濟結構上的弱點,觸發了一場震動全球的金融危機。

By that high strain of eloquence which was yet reverberating in their ears . each felt the impulse in himself , and , in the same breath , 每一個人不但自身感到了這種沖動,而且也從旁邊的人身上感受到了程度相當的沖動。

Some 11 months ago , structural weaknesses of some asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world 約在十一個月前,部分亞洲國家在經濟結構上的弱點,觸發了一場震動全球的金融危機。

Six months ago , these structural weaknesses of selected asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world 六個月前,部分亞洲國家在經濟結構上的弱點觸發了一場震動全球的金融風暴。

Some ten months ago , structural weaknesses of some asian nations triggered a financial crisis that reverberated around the world 約十個月前,部分亞洲國家在經濟結構上的弱點,觸發了一場震動全球的金融危機。

The storm in the countryside , though distant , nevertheless reverberated in the yamens of the nanking government 農村的暴風驟雨雖然離得還遠,但是南京政府的衙門里已經可以聽到它的震響。

From the kitchen , the unmistakable sound of hurled dishes reverberates through the razor - like walls of our house 廚房里清清楚楚的摔盤子聲透過薄薄的墻壁在屋子里回蕩著。

Fourth of july fireworks cascade over the nation ' s capital , reverberating across the river to arlington 7月4日的煙火瀑滿這個國家首都的夜空,照到了河對岸的安林頓。

Memories of both the wonder and alienation of life reverberates in this animated diary 在這個動畫日記中充滿對生活的記憶,既有驚奇的事物,也有精神錯亂的痕跡。

After she was hospitalized , our family members heard holy names reverberating in their minds 在那段時間,家人們都說隨時隨地不斷聽到師父佛贊的聲音充滿腦海。

But ? always ? pity ? brought ? me ? back ? to ? earth . ? echoes ? of ? cries ? of ? pain ? reverberate ? in ? my ? heart 但是憐憫總把我帶回塵世。痛苦呼喊的回聲回蕩在我的內心。

The music coming from the great organ reverberated through the entire church 大風琴傳出的音樂響徹了整個教堂。

And the sound you hear reverberating 你所聽到的聲音

The hall reverberated with songs 大廳里洋溢著歌聲。

And the sound you hear reverberating 現在你聽到的聲音