
reverb n.=reverberation 3.


It has various ability to adjust the tempo , echo reverb and the key of the song . the greatest feature that sets this all in one karaoke machine apart from others is the ability to play pc karaoke midi songs inthe market . also you can all the functions in the main machine with remote controller . you can sing together 該系列點唱機具備許多實用功能,可以調節音樂節奏, mic混響及頻響,效果一流.達到專業水準,可以充分支持電腦的midi卡拉ok格式.所有功能皆可以借助遙控器來控制

Sound is a multidimensional medium , the fundamental dimensions of sound are pitch , timbre , loudness , duration and direction , further more , sound has multiple effects , these effects roughly are cocktail party effect , streaming , echo and reverb 聲音是一種多維度媒體,主要有音調、音色、響度、持續時間和方向等維度特征;聲音又是一種多效應媒體,主要有雞尾酒會效應、流效應和回聲、反射等效應特征。

Reverberation - the size of the hall and it ' s absorption conditions will have an impact on the volume of the sound ( in different halls the same guitar can sound loud or soft ) and it ' s reverb quality 回響大堂的大小,已經大堂的吸收環境(限制)會對聲音的大小有影響(在不同的大堂里面,同樣的吉他聽起來會有不同,可能大聲可能小聲) ,以及他的混響質量。

With a good understanding of the physics of natural reverberation , and the fundamental operational principles of reverb processors , it is possible to quickly create the illusion of any acoustic environment you can imagine 很好地理解自然混響的物理特性,以及混響效果器的基本運算法則,能幫助你很快的幻想出所有假想的聲學空間。

What ' s important here is not how i would use reverb ( this is a subjective matter and what works for me may not work for you ) but to understand the outcome of adjusting any parameter 應該如何用混響,在這里不是最重要的(這是一個主觀問題,可能適合你,但不適合我) ,但是要了解每一個參數在調整以后結果是什么。

Diffusion - high settings of diffusion gives you a smoother sounding reverb because the reflections are closer to each other 擴散(漫射)設置高擴散值,能讓你的混響聲音變得更順滑,因為反射聲之間彼此更靠近了。

If you can conclude what will happen as you change each parameter , you will be well on your way to use reverb effectively 如果你能判斷出你所動的參數會發生什么事情,那么你將會很有效地運用混響。

Plr plate reverb 金屬板混響

Reverb depth control 混響深度控制

Environmental reverb is now disabled by default for hyper threaded machines 混響環境,現在是默認超螺紋機。

A reverb unit simulates the sound of different acoustical areas 混響單元是模擬不同聲學空間中的聲音。

Digital reverb can even create spaces that don ' t exist in reality 數字混響還能創造不真實的空間。

On some reverb units this parameter is called density 在一些混響器上,這個參數被稱為密度。