
revenge n.報仇,雪恨;仇恨;報仇[報復]的機會;【運】雪恥賽(...


His revenge is to produce another earthquake which sinks the whole island and its squabbling cargo into sea . 他又要安排一次地震把整個島嶼和爭論不休的島民,統統沉入海底,以示懲戒。

She wants either to bring him on again, or have the satisfaction of her revenge being as public as possible . 她想將來或者是把他重新奪過來或者是讓大家都曉得她的報復,也落得個痛快。

Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out . 復仇是一種野生的裁判。人類的天性越是向著它,法律就越應當耘除它。

Here in darkness and pain he forms, with the other fallen angels, a mighty empire and plans revenge . 黑暗和痛苦之中他和其他墮落的天使一起建成了一個強大的帝國,圖謀復仇。

This was his harmless revenge for having occasionally had his credulity too easily engaged in america . 他在美國有時過于輕信而上了當,因此現在作了這不含惡意的報復。

For in revenge of my contempt of love, love has chased sleep from my enthralled eyes . 愛情為了報復我對它的輕蔑,叫我總睜了眼睛發呆,睡不著覺。

Unlike the medes of the tragedy she does not indulge in any extravagant acts of revenge . 她不同于悲劇中的美狄亞沒有采取任何激烈的報復行動。

The people of the conquered country settled in a slow, silent, waiting revenge . 被占領區的人民決定采取一種慢吞吞地默默等待著的方法。

The ancient practice of blood revenge has prevailed widely in the tribes of mankind . 報仇這種古老的習俗在人類各部落中流行得非常廣。

Waruk is still in the bush and every night he is around looking for revenge . 瓦魯克還呆在叢林里,每天晚上他都四處尋找著,侍機報仇。

The revenge clings to their hearts like the wild creepers here to the tree . 報復心縈繞在他們的心上,就象這兒的野藤纏繞在樹上一樣。

His odyssey of passion , friendship , love , and revenge was now finished . 他的熱情、友誼、愛情和復仇的漫長歷程,到此結束了。

He may have thought i would burn down the town in revenge for the slight . 他也許以為我想燒毀城鎮,為受到的冷遇進行報復。

They are to be pillaged and terrorised in hitler's fury and revenge . 在希特勒的狂怒和報復下,他們還遭到掠奪和恐怖統治。

They expected to find a bloodthirsty man, happy in his revenge . 他們本來以為他們找到的是一個嗜血鬼,一個渴望報仇的人。

When you want to get revenge on a woman you don't kill her-bosh ! 你要對一個女人報仇的話,用不著要她的命--沒那么傻。

When i go to live with old bounderby, i'll have my revenge . 等我跟老龐得貝生活在一起的時候,我就可以進行報復了。

You'll hit on exactly the most efficient method of revenging yourself on me . 你正好找到了你對我報仇的最好方法。

Terrorists bombed the police station in revenge for the arrests . 恐怖分子用炸彈襲擊了警察局報復逮捕行動。