
revenant n.〔法語〕1.幽靈。2.久別歸來的人。


In recent years , building squares in cites above medium size has upsurged in our country , and in the meantime , some revenant problems have appeared . nowadays , sustainable development is being emphasized increasingly , so the problems about the environment of city squares are not considered just according to their landscape effect , and their ecological effects are concerned more and more 近年來,我國中等規模以上的城市興起了修建城市廣場的熱潮,隨之也暴露出了不少問題,而在日益強調環境可持續發展的今天,城市廣場環境反映的問題已不拘泥于對廣場景觀效果好壞的評價上,考慮廣場生態效果的呼聲愈來愈高。