
revelry n.縱酒狂歡,宴飲作樂;歡宴。


Based on the lives of the “ seven sages of the bamboo grove , “ a legendary group of poets , musicians , and philosophers who masked their often rebellious views behind poetic freedom and drunken revelry , this work is about resistance , executions , music , nature , and above all , wine 創作靈感乃源于魏晉時期220 - 420 “竹林七賢“的生平與著作。這群極富傳奇色彩的詩人音樂家及思想家,將他們往往離經叛道的思想,喬裝為不羈的詩作與放蕩的痛飲。一闕有關對抗處決音樂自然,還有酒的史詩

The primitive humanity divulged through different kinds of ceremony , dance , etc . in fact , the revelry is a special social cultural phenomenon . no matter under what kind of culture and social condition , it could find the grow soil . especially to the people whose life is so monotonous or constrains , this need to divulge is more obvious 實際上,狂歡是一種特殊的社會文化現象,不論在何種文化中、何種社會狀態下,它都能找到滋生的土壤,對于生活在過于單調或過于壓抑的人來說更是如此。

But mr . zhao shiyu , after his thorough research of ming and qing dynasties “ temple fair , thought ‘ that spirit which is similar to the worldwide revelry activity does exist in china ' s folk custom . ’ only is our country ' s revelry spirit often connected with some key words , such like ‘ restraint ’ , ‘ rank ’ , ‘ order ’ 但是,趙世瑜先生在其對明清以來的廟會的深入研究后,認為“那種與世界性的狂歡活動相似的精神內涵,在中國的民俗中是同樣存在的。 ”只是我國的狂歡精神往往與“克制” 、 “等級” 、 “秩序”等關鍵性詞語相伴,是一種樸素的存在。

Nevertheless , within han national culture , which holds biggest proportion in china , there is no integrity ‘ revelry festival ’ or ‘ revelry system ’ . although some scholars consider the festival of lanterns to be ‘ chinese revelry ’ , this kind of theory is not broadly accepted and still wait for the discussion 雖然有的學者認為中國傳統的“元宵節”應當被視為是“中國的狂歡節” ,但是此種說法在學界并未得到廣泛認可,這種提法仍有待商榷。

There is nothing like love trouble to foster a quick bond and the women become close friends . however , during an evening of drunken revelry , miki discloses by accident that she is the other woman of michele s husband 在法國南部遇上miki ,率性的miki讓michele感染朝氣,結伴游玩令二人加深了解, miki吐露自己戀上有婦之夫,旅行原也為了逃避感情, miki的身份卻深深刺痛了michele 。

The flower not only has the cultural character of taboo and revelry , but also embodies the function of adjustment and integration , interaction with the society 摘要作為西北民俗文化事項的“花兒”具有禁忌與狂歡的文化特征,表現出對社會的調適和整合,體現了文化和社會的互動的關系。

On the stand , some persons in ancient costumes are trying to stand still . on that day , all villagers come out to join the revelry . so people call it “ a village revelry “ 每年元宵節,襯民抬著古事棚先在陸地競走,然后列隊下河逆水狂奔,場面壯觀熱列,有“山村狂歡節”之稱。

The blacksmiths working in a smithy hard by heard the sounds of revelry in the pothouse , and supposing the house had been forcibly broken into , wanted to break in too 附近幾家鐵匠鋪的鐵匠聽到酒店鬧哄哄,以為酒店被打劫,便也想拼命往里沖。臺階上發生了斗毆。

Delegates can then grab a delicious late - night supper with room for some sweet desserts . the revelries and eating can last till dawn s dim sum breakfast 這樣縱情吃喝的時光,可以一直維持至翌日清晨,然后再以美味的早茶點心,迎接新一天

Therefore they will now go into captivity with the first of the captives , and the cry of revelry from those who sprawled themselves out will pass away 7所以現在這些人必在被擄的人中首先被擄;舒身的人荒宴狂歡之聲必消滅了。

The tension is prominently revealed in three aspects : sorrow , fear and revelry ; sincere sentiment and shadow ; and wandering and gloomy mood 詩歌的張力突出地表現在三個方面:憂懼與狂歡,摯情與陰影,客游與愁緒。

In fact , no matter how different “ revelry “ looks like , they have a similar structure , namely human nature structure 在千變萬化的“狂歡”的外表底下,實際上隱藏著一個大致相同的結構,即普遍的人性結構。

It is most associated with towns and villages celebrating springtime fertility and revelry with fetes and community gatherings 它和那些慶祝春季土地肥沃和祭祀以及村社集會的城鎮和農村的狂歡活動緊密相聯。

Instead of the spectacle of gloomy and silent death , the piazza del popolo presented a spectacle of gay and noisy mirth and revelry 在波波羅廣場上,代替死的陰郁和沉寂的是一片興高采烈和嘈雜的狂歡景象。

Revelry narration in eryuehe ' s novels about emperors of qing dynasty and its significance to the development of literature 論二月河清帝小說的狂歡化敘事對于文學發展的意義

When the mages get to the party , though , they find out that there ' s a very specific point to all the revelry 而當法師看到這些狂歡的時候,他們會發現那些不同尋常的地方。

Is this your city of revelry , the old , old city , whose feet have taken her to settle in far - off lands 7這是你們歡樂的城,從上古而有的嗎?其中的居民,往遠方寄居。

The peotic release of life inhibition - brief discussion of revelry narrative tactics in er yuehe ' s qing dynasty serial novels 二月河清帝系列小說狂歡化敘事策略

From the history , different nationalities and countries have different forms of revelry activities 有史以來,不同民族、不同國家都存在著不同形式的狂歡活動。