
reveller n.參加歡宴的人,縱酒狂歡的人,大喝大鬧的人;蕩子。


But , by degrees , watch - chains , necklaces , parti - colored scarfs , embroidered bodices , velvet vests , elegantly worked stockings , striped gaiters , and silver buckles for the shoes , all disappeared ; and gaspard caderousse , unable to appear abroad in his pristine splendor , had given up any further participation in the pomps and vanities , both for himself and wife , although a bitter feeling of envious discontent filled his mind as the sound of mirth and merry music from the joyous revellers reached even the miserable hostelry to which he still clung , more for the shelter than the profit it afforded 但漸漸地,表鏈呀,項圈呀,花色領巾呀,繡花乳褡呀,絲絨背心呀,做工精美的襪子呀,條紋扎腳套呀,以及鞋子上的銀搭扣呀,都不見了,于是,葛司柏卡德魯斯,既然不能再穿著以前的華麗服裝外出露面了,就和他的妻子不再到這些浮華虛榮的場合去了,但每聽到那些興高采烈的歡呼聲以及愉快的音樂聲傳到這個可憐的客棧的時候,傳到這個他現在還依戀著的只能算是一個庇身之所,根本談不上賺錢的小地方的時候,他的心里也未嘗不感到嫉妒和痛苦。

As for stag - nights in prague and student spring breaks in jamaica ? well , the gangs of drunken revellers probably wouldn ' t notice if they were in blackpool or daytona beach instead , as indeed many were a decade ago 至于在布拉格舉行的男子聚會以及在牙買加歡度的春假? ?的確,這一伙又一伙縱欲暢飲、狂歡作樂者不會在意自己是否正身處黑澤還是代頓海灘,而在十年前確實有許多人在那里這樣做。

Dressed in a tight white t - shirt and jeans , the 32 - year - old real madrid star brought the heaving dancefloor to a standstill as revellers turned to watch him hug gary and knock back a beer 身著貼身的白色t恤和牛仔褲,大衛的出現讓熱鬧嘈雜的舞池突然一下陷入一片安靜,正在興頭上的人們全都回過頭來看著他擁抱加里,然后要了一杯啤酒。

Revellers enjoy themselves in a pub in newcastle town center , united kingdom . teenage girls in the in this article : japanese students seem to be losing patience with work . prefer easy jobs w 今日美國財經報道:西歐工人決心延長每周工作時間中文大意每周工作35小時的歐洲人每當夏季享受著數周度假和節假日的放松,手

An estimated 200 , 000 revellers lined the streets of tsim sha tsui on sunday night 18 february to soak up the festive atmosphere at the cathay pacific international chinese new year night parade 于二月十八日星期日大年初一,約200 , 000名市民及游客聚集在尖沙咀街頭,現場感受國泰航空新春國際匯演之夜的熾熱氣氛。

Revellers in a british town are to have their fingerprints scanned when they enter pubs and clubs in a scheme aimed at weeding out drunken troublemakers 英格蘭西南部的約維爾鎮將實施一項計劃,要求進入酒吧和俱樂部的人員需要進行指紋掃描,留下自己相關信息。這項計劃旨在清除酒吧中那些醉酒后尋釁滋事的人。

Revellers in a british town are to have their fingerprints scanned when they enter pubs and clubs in a scheme aimed at weeding out drunken troublemakers 英格蘭西南部的約維爾鎮將實施一項計劃,要求進入酒吧和俱樂部的人員需要進行指紋掃描,留下自己相關資訊。這項計劃旨在清除酒吧中那些醉酒后尋?滋事的人。

But there is no need to be frightened . this is only because halloween is becoming more and more popular , with hordes of revellers dressing up as ghosts , goblins and witches 不過這沒有什么好恐懼的。都是因為萬圣節這幾年在中國越來越火,一到這個時候就有成群興奮的人們或裝扮成幽靈,或裝扮成小鬼,巫婆。

Notting hill was filled with revellers monday for the final festival day with thousands dancing in the streets to the beat of 40 sound systems dotted around 本周一,當今年的諾丁山狂歡節進入最后一天時,成千上萬的狂歡者聚集在諾丁山,他們隨著街上散布著的40套音響系統的節拍載歌載舞。

A reveller from the aprendizes do salgueiro children ' s samba school performs during their carnival parade in the sambadrome in rio de janeiro february 1 , 2008 2月1日,一名女孩在巴西里約熱內盧狂歡節上參加表演。當天,狂歡節上演了一場兒童桑巴舞演出,桑巴舞隊獻上了精彩表演。

Millions of revellers saw in the new year with spectacular firework displays and huge street parties in major cities across britain and around the world 在英國和世界的各個地方的主要城市,數以百萬計的狂歡者觀看壯觀的煙花表演和參加大型街道聚會,慶祝新年的到來。

Millions of revellers saw in the new year with spectacular firework displays and huge street parties in major cities across britain and around the world 在英國的主要城市以及全世界,數以萬計的狂歡者在新年到來之際見證了龐大的煙花秀以及巨大的街頭舞會。

Millions of revellers saw in the new year with spectacular firework displays and huge street parties in major cities across britain and around the world 數以百萬計的狂歡者遍布英國乃至全世界各主要城市,在大街上舉行歡慶排隊,在曼妙的煙花中迎來了新年。

Las vegas bills itself as “ the wedding capital of the world “ , but late - night revellers who decide they want to tie the knot now must wait until morning 拉斯維加斯素有“世界結婚之城”的雅稱,但如今想在夜里結婚的午夜狂歡者們恐怕得等到第二天早上了。

Millions of revellers saw in the new year with spectacular firework displays and huge street parties in major cities across britain and around the world 在全英國乃至全世界個主要城市數以億計的狂歡者目睹了壯觀的煙火表演和巨大的街頭聚會來迎接新年。

Millions of revellers saw in the new year with spectacular firework displays and huge street parties in major cities across britain and around the world 在英國和世界上的許多大城市中數以百萬計的狂歡者在新年這一天目睹了壯觀的焰火和巨大的街頭聚會

Millions of revellers saw in the new year with spectacular firework displays and huge street parties in major cities across britain and around the world 數百萬的飲酒狂歡者在新年觀看壯觀的焰火秀,英國及全世界的主要城市在街頭也舉辦了盛大的聚會。

Millions of revellers saw in the new year with spectacular firework displays and huge street parties in major cities across britain and around the world 在英國各大城市乃至世界各地,壯觀的煙花及大規模的街頭派對真是讓數百萬觀光者大飽眼福。

Millions of revellers saw in the new year with spectacular firework displays and huge street parties in major cities across britain and around the world 數百萬狂歡者親眼目睹了新年的煙火盛會,英國和其他國家主要城市的大街上充滿了歡聲笑語。