
reveler n.參加歡宴的人,縱酒狂歡的人,大喝大鬧的人;蕩子。


I looked upon the scene before me - upon the mere house , and the simple landscape features of the domain - upon the blank walls - upon the vacant eye - like windows - upon a few rank sedges - and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees - with an utter depression of soul which i can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after - dream of the reveler upon opium - the bitter lapse into everyday life - the hideous dropping off of the veil 我看著眼前的情景這所宅第,房子周圍單調的景象,光禿禿的墻壁,空洞的、眼睛窟窿似的窗戶,幾叢雜亂的莎草,幾株灰白的枯樹心情無比沮喪,恰仿佛是過足鴉片煙癮的人,從夢幻中醒來,回到現實生活里的那種痛苦、懊惱的心情,這樣的比喻真是再恰當不過了。

Here and there the crawling shadow of a woman was discernible , for the quarter was going home and going home late , and poor creatures , exasperated at a night of fruitless loitering , were unwilling to give up the chase and would still stand , disputing in hoarse voices with any strayed reveler they could catch at the corner of the rue breda or the rue fontaine 洛萊特圣母院街很長,整條街上黑? ?的,空空蕩蕩,只有一些女人的影子在晃動。現在是本區人最后一批回家的時候,那些未拉到客的可憐妓女,很惱火,仍不甘心一無所獲,她們把迷路的醉漢攔在布雷達街或豐臺納街的拐角處,用嘶啞的嗓音同他們討價還價。

“ all - star weekend revelers have transformed the league ' s midseason exhibition into the new millennium freaknik , an out - of - control street party that features gunplay , violence , non - stop weed smoke and general mayhem , “ wrote jason whitlock on aol sports . “ the game needs to be moved overseas , someplace where the 1 ) bloods and crips and hookers . . . can ' t get to it without a passport and plane ticket . . “全明星周末期間那些花天酒地的家伙已經把這一賽季中期的表演賽變成了一場新千年瘋子表演,或者說一場失控了的,摻雜了槍戰、暴力、無休止的吸食大麻和故意傷害的街頭派對, ” aol體育記者賈森?維特洛克說, “這一比賽需要遷往海外,遷到一個那些黑幫和妓女需要護照和機票才能去的地方… …全明星周末不能一直是假釋犯人、醉心于成為饒舌歌手的人以及暴徒們的伍德斯托克音樂節。 ”

Capital of the world , “ but late - night revelers who decide they want to tie the knot now must wait until morning . office , as of last wednesday , will be closed between midnight and 8 a . m . , when much of las vegas is still very much alive 從上周三開始,拉斯維加斯的結婚登記處從午夜到第二天早上8點之間不辦公,而這段時間的拉斯維加斯仍然還很熱鬧。

In one spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy ! the annual tomato fight brought out some 40 , 000 revelers , hurling tons of plum tomatoes for an hour of warfare 在一個西班牙小鎮上,一切正變得又紅又粘(參考樓上) .一年一度的“西紅柿大戰“吸引了大約4萬人參與,他們用數以噸記的新鮮西紅柿互相投擲攻擊(這是節日,這個詞不合適呵呵)

“ in the shadow of heshbon the fugitives stand without strength ; for a fire has gone forth from heshbon and a flame from the midst of sihon , and it has devoured the forehead of moab and the scalps of the riotous revelers 耶48 : 45躲避的人、無力站在希實本的影下因為有火從希實本發出、有火焰出于西宏的城、燒盡摩押的角、和哄嚷人的頭頂。

It is i like that makes the drunkard drink and the martye wear a hair shirt ; that makes one man reveler and another man an anchorite ; that makes one man pursue fame , another gold , another love , and another god 就是我喜歡使醉漢飲酒,使烈士承受苦刑而不悔;使人放縱情欲,使人隱居養晦;使人追求名聲、追求財寶、追求愛情、追求上帝。

In one spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy ! the annual tomato fight brought out some 14 , 000 revelers , hurling tons of plum tomatoes for an hour of warfare 在一個西班牙的小鎮,所有東西都變得又紅又粘了。一年一度的番茄大戰吸引了近四萬人的狂歡隊伍,數噸櫻桃番茄將用(這里不是將來時態)在持續一小時投擲大戰中。

In one spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy ! the annual tomato fight brought out some 40 , 000 revelers , hurling tons of plum tomatoes for an hour of warfare 在一個西班牙小鎮,四周都變得一片通紅和粘糊糊的。每年一度的蕃茄大戰引來了4萬名狂歡者,他們在一小時的活動中用力投擲數以噸計的櫻桃番茄。

In one spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy ! the annual tomato fight brought out some 40 , 000 revelers , hurling tons of plum tomatoes for an hour of warfare 在西班牙的一個小鎮,所有的東西都變得又紅又粘!年度的番茄大戰吸引了40000名狂歡者。他們在一小時的番茄大戰中扔掉了數噸的(李子形)番茄。

In one spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy ! the annual tomato fight brought out some 40 , 000 revelers , hurling tons of plum tomatoes for an hour of warfare 在一個西班牙小城,到處都開始變得又紅又粘!一年一度的番茄節大戰吸引了約4萬名狂歡者,他們在一小時的“激戰”中互相投擲了數十噸的西紅柿。

In one spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy ! the annual tomato fight brought out some 40 , 000 revelers , hurling tons of plum tomatoes for an hour of warfare 在西班牙的一座小鎮,一切都變得紅彤彤,粘乎乎。一年一度的番茄大戰又打響了。將近4萬的狂歡民眾在一小時的激戰中扔掉了數十噸的洋李番茄。

In france , a new years day reprieve allowed revelers their last legal drags in public places before the law took effect , the latest measure in a progressive crackdown that began 15 years ago 在法國,元旦是在新法生效前允許狂歡者在公共場合合法吸煙的最后期限,這是這場始于15年前的進步的禁煙運動的最新舉措。

In one spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy ! the annual tomato fight brought out some 40 , 000 revelers , hurling tons of plum tomatoes for an hour of warfare 在一個西班牙城鎮,一切都變成紅色且粘乎乎的.一年一度的西紅柿大戰吸引了4萬多名狂歡者,他們在一個小時的戰斗中投擲了數噸的櫻桃西紅柿

In one spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy ! the annual tomato fight brought out some 40 , 000 revelers , hurling tons of plum tomatoes for an hour of warfare 在一個西班牙的小鎮,所有東西都變得又紅又粘了。每年一度的番茄大戰吸引了四千人的狂歡大軍,他們一同上演了一個小時的番茄狂擲大戰。

In one spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy ! the annual tomato fight brought out some 40 , 000 revelers , hurling tons of plum tomatoes for an hour of warfare 在西班牙的一個小鎮,到處是紅彤彤和粘糊糊的景象。這是一年一度的番茄大戰, 4萬名狂歡者在一小時的作戰中盡情投擲了好幾噸櫻桃番茄。

So i had to enjoy its sounds in our room , and noise from the streets as well . i could hear the sound of music and dancing and the shouts of drinking revelers until the early hours of the morning 尤其她的收音機無法插接耳機,所以我必須無時無刻地享受著屋內及大街上人們跳舞狂歡飲酒作樂的喧嗶聲直到清晨。

In one spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy ! the annual tomato fight brought out some 40 , 000 revelers , hurling tons of plum tomatoes for an hour of warfare 西班牙的一個小鎮到處充滿了紅色的西紅柿果漿!一年一度的西紅柿大戰吸引了4萬名狂歡者,他們在一小時之內投擲了數噸的西紅柿。

In sydney ? one of the first cities to celebrate the new year ? one million revelers cheered as fireworks sprayed from the iconic harbor bridge on the new year ' s eve 悉尼是最早迎來新年的城市之一。新年前夜,悉尼的標志性建筑海港大橋上空綻放出美麗的煙花, 100多萬狂歡者歡呼躍雀。