
revelatory adj.1.揭露的。2.能啟示…的 (of)。短語和例子...


The author refutes the improper and wrong viewpoints of budgeting management among enterprisers currently . on the other hand , the author also puts up with many constructive and revelatory advices about budget compiling , budgeting monitoring and budget evaluating that are the main three sections of the circle of budgeting management 第三部分,筆者批駁了當前企業實務界的普遍存在的幾種錯誤認識,同時就預算編制、預算監控、預算考評等預算管理關鍵環節的主要問題提出了許多具有建設性和啟發性的建議。

The object of adjectives ranging from “ luminescent “ to “ radiant “ to “ revelatory , “ the actress went on to play a very different character in todd haynes safe 1995 . moore won an independent spirit award nomination for her portrayal of a woman literally sickened by the environment around her and further proved that she was an actress of distinct versatility . the same year she again demonstrated this ability with a starring role opposite hugh grant in the - comedy nine months 1997年朱麗安摩爾應斯皮爾伯格的邀請,出演了科幻巨片失落的世界,扮演女科學家薩拉哈丁,在劇中她重新詮釋了一個個性鮮明對科學全心奉獻的女科學家的形象,片子雖爛,卻使一向只在獨立制片領域有名氣的摩爾開始為主流觀眾所熟知。

For financial leasing , besides the economical evaluation , also make the judgment from economical principle , safe principle , reliable principle and flexible principle . the third chapter demonstrates the advantages of aircraft leasing by analyzing the structure and participants of aircraft leasing in u . s and japan , as well as the different features in different countries . the last part of this chapter shows the revelatory conclusion to the aircraft leasing practice in china 從美國、日本杠桿租賃的交易結構及參與人獲得的好處透視租賃融資的優勢,同時指出,參與飛機租賃的公司多為實力雄厚的大型金融機構或專業型的飛機租賃公司,這些公司往往有能力通過全球資源的調配能力來支持其業務,其次,稅收等政策對飛機租賃業的興衰起到非常重要的作用。

In this thesis , by using the theory of budgeting management and combining the author ' s experiences in budgeting management of china national light industrial products import & export corporation , the author clarifies the misunderstandings and mistakes in the cognition of budgeting management currently , and puts up with many constructive and revelatory advices of the key questions about budget compiling , budget monitoring and budget evaluating with the case of “ designing the system of budgeting management of china international exhibition center ( group ) company “ as a base 本文以全面預算管理理論為基礎,采用案例分析方法,結合筆者在全面預算管理方面的實際工作經驗,通過分析“中國展覽中心(集團)公司的全面預算管理體系方案設計”案例,澄清了當前企業實務界對全面預算管理的一些錯誤認識,并就預算編制、預算監控、預算考評等預算管理關鍵環節的主要問題提出了許多具有建設性和啟發性的建議。

The film shows the human side of aileen as played by the beautiful charlize theron , who undergoes a physical and behavioral transformation so complete that she won both the academy award for best actress and the berlin silver bear . never before released in hong kong , this riveting and revelatory take on wuornos s life is a dramatised flip side to the documentary 這個從未在港公映的劇情片版本,以另一角度,讓你貼近女殺手莉及其密友雪比內心,親身體驗她們如何走上殺人不歸路:命途坎坷的莉為生計當娼接客,受盡凌辱,自覺已到人生盡頭的她卻遇上少女雪比,命運從此改寫。

After introducing the architectural space with revelatory meaning which is built by each architect , the article analyzes the relationship of these complications and regional architecture , also the characteristic of the space which is influenced 通過介紹在實踐中各地建筑師所塑造的具有啟發示范意義的建筑空間,分章具體分析了這些因素與地域性建筑空間的相互關系及其影響下的空間特色。

His moral evolutionism reveals the moral principle of market order and the trend of human morality ' s evolution , which has a profound and revelatory meaning for the issues of chinese moral transformation 哈耶克的道德進化論揭示了市場秩序的道德原理和人類道德演化的趨勢,它對于中國道德轉型問題具有深刻的?示意義。

His moral evolutionism reveals the moral principle of market order and the trend of human morality ' s evolution , which has a profound and revelatory meaning in the problems of chinese moral transformation 哈氏的道德進化論揭示了市場秩序的道德原理和人類道德演化的趨勢,它對于中國道德轉型問題具有深刻的啟示意義。

Lastly , through experimenting and analyzing the results , it proved that our scheme be effective . to our approach , it be revelatory to color - based image retrieval and be valuable in the application 最后,通過實驗和和對實驗結果的分析,證明本文研究所提出的方法是有效的。

The object of adjectives ranging from “ luminescent “ to “ radiant “ to “ revelatory , “ the actress went on to play a very different character in todd haynes safe 1995 同年摩爾參加了哈里森福特主演的“美國大片“開山之作-亡命天涯扮演女醫生安妮。

That is why religious symbols have a distinctly “ revelatory ” character ; they are usually spontaneous products of unconscious psychic activity 這就是為什麼宗教的系統符號有明顯的啟示特性;他們通常是無意識心靈活動的自動自發的產品。

Spoken entirely in mindanao bisaya and starring the local people , 22 - year - old sanchezs hd feature is a revelatory look at a culture in flux 在菲律賓原創電影節得最佳電影,本色演出的演員更奪得集體最佳演員獎,傳為佳話。

His conception has great revelatory significace for literary study today , for it contains a profound realistic critical spirit 其中蘊含著深刻的現實批判精神,對于當代文論研究仍然不無啟示意義。

This should be pretty easy to understand ; the rest of the tip isn t going to be anything revelatory 這是很容易理解的,本技巧的其余部分并沒有什么啟示性( revelatory ) 。

Her answers were clear and assured , if not exactly revelatory 如果她的回答不算特別地富有啟示,那么也是非常清晰和可信的。