
revelation n.1.揭發,暴露;泄露;顯示;被揭露出來的事物;意外的...


Survey and revelation of american academic libraries 美國大學圖書館調查數據及其啟示

Educational function and revelation of mathematics culture 數學文化的教育功能及啟示

The new trend of colony ' s development and its revelation 城市群發展的新趨勢及其啟示

On - the - job postgraduate education in uk and its revelation 英國在職研究生教育及啟示

The revelation of aesthetic thinking in su shi ' s poems 蘇軾詩歌美學思想發微

Revelation of early childhood education in japan 日本幼兒教育的特色及其啟示

Practice and revelation about informationization ecocity 信息化生態城市的實踐及啟示

Revelation of tao xing - zhi ' s education thinking of 教育思想對當代中國職業教育的啟示

This revelation is disturbing to an institution 這一發現擾亂了我們這所學院

The characteristics and revelation of american high education 美國教育對我們的啟示

On zhang zai ' s viewpoint of buddhism and its revelation 張載的佛教觀及其啟示

Mencius ' humanistic thought and modern revelation 孟子的民本思想及其當代啟示

And the love wears the shirt of close fitting revelation 并且愛穿緊身暴露的衣衫。

The system of social security of korea and its revelation 韓國的社會保障制度及啟示

The revelation of quality education in rogers ' personality theory 對素質教育的啟示

The secondboard market : information revelation and supervision 信息披露與監管

The initiative and revelation on new public management 新公共管理的創新與啟示

But further leaks and revelations can be expected 但我們期望能有更多的消息。

The revelation for the study of brain science to education 腦科學研究對教育的啟示