
revel vi.(〔英國〕 -ll-)1.歡宴,縱酒狂歡,鬧飲。2...


Reveling in death and pain , the necrolyte gains mana back for killing units 陶醉于散播死亡和痛苦,死靈法師每殺死1個單位都會恢復一些魔法。

You will have approximately 2 , 000 years to revel in the glory of the fourth dimension 你們將大約有2 , 000年在第四度空間的榮光中狂歡作樂。

Revel in clean , clear sound and hear all the benefits of music as polyphonic mp3 ringtones 的多和弦mp3鈴聲此起彼伏,絕對百聽不膩。

“ well , albert , “ said franz , “ do you feel much inclined to join the revels “喂,阿爾貝, ”弗蘭茲說, “你真的很想去參加狂歡節嗎?

They ate to the full and were well - nourished ; they reveled in your great goodness 他們就吃而得飽,身體肥胖,因你的大恩,心中快樂。

Revel in the sights , sounds and smells along the route of your choosing 選擇您喜歡的行駛路線,盡情享受沿途千姿百態的都市風光吧

Iago . what , man ! ' tis a night of revels : the gallants desire it 伊阿古噯喲,朋友!這是一個狂歡的良夜,不要讓那些軍官們掃興吧。

When bhaal held sway over my soul , i reveled in the bloody carnage i wrought 當巴爾操控我的靈魂,我著迷于我殺戮的鮮血。

Revels mediaeval london 歡宴中世紀倫敦

People who revel in gossip 好講閑話的人。

Mlstress revels : missy , dear 小姑娘,親愛的

I revel in it . i revel in it 我爽啊!太爽了!

Mlstress revels : missy , dear . . 小姑娘,親愛的…

Then revel in the view 一起沉迷于銀河的景色中。

How to construct effective restriction system with info - reveled for plc 構建上市公司信息披露行為的有效約束機制

Christmas revels with feasting and dancing were common in england 圣誕節盛宴歌舞的狂歡在英國是很常見的。

Christmas revels with feasting and dancing were common in england 圣誕節的狂歡歌舞在英國是很常見的。

The inure information reveled , the less profit they can make 信息披露越充分,潛在投資者的利潤越少。

The actress revels in all the attention she gets from the media 這位女演員陶醉于傳媒對她的吹捧。