
reveille n.【軍事】起床號,起床鼓;(一天的第一次)列隊、集合。


Hitchcock once said that movies were “ life with the boring parts cut out . ” america ' s army introduces the military with the boring parts cut out : a slick , first - rate pc shooter that lets you try out all the exciting things there are to do in army life , from basic training all the way to ground warfare ? and all without a single 5 a . m . reveille and slop - out duty 希契科克曾經說過電影是“將生活中令人厭煩的東西剪除的產物” 《美國軍隊》同樣如此:一個身手敏捷,第一流的電腦射手讓你在軍隊生活中體驗各種令人激動的事情,從基礎的自始至終的地面戰爭訓練到所有的戰爭內容而剪除了那些單人的5點吹起床號和倒排泄物的任務。

Far away he could hear trumpeters sounding reveille 他可以聽到遠處號兵在吹起床號。