
revealer n.顯示者;揭露者;【宗教】啟示者。


The king answered daniel and said , it is certain that your god is the god of gods and the lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries , for you have been able to reveal this mystery 47王對但以理說,你既能將這奧秘的事啟示出來,你們的神誠然是萬神之神,萬王之主,又是奧秘事的啟示者。

The king answered unto daniel , and said , of a truth it is , that your god is a god of gods , and a lord of kings , and a revealer of secrets , seeing thou couldest reveal this secret 47王對但以理說,你既能顯明這奧秘的事,你們的神誠然是萬神之神,萬王之主,又是顯明奧秘事的。

Lao - tzu became deified as a revealer of sacred texts and a savior , and techniques of spiritual attainment became fully elaborated 老子被神化成一個神圣文獻的啟示者和救世主,達成的精神技巧變得充分地詳細描述。

The revealer [ / color ] is an eraser - like device which makes invisible ink appear 是一種類似于橡皮的工具,它可以使隱形墨水顯形。

In spite of this , many people are confident that , the revealer , may reveal something of value fairly soon . 盡管如此,許多人相信這臺“顯寶器”可能不久揭示一些有價值的東西。