
reveal vt.1.顯露,揭露,揭發,剖明;告訴,透露,泄露(秘密...


Her liberal views were soon revealed as mere posturing . 她那些開明的觀點很快地就暴露出只不過是做做樣子而已。

The presence of a nodular liver at the time of examination may be revealing . 檢查時肝臟的結節可能有啟示性。

It revealed an aspiration for freedom from imposed limitations . 它表現出沖破種種束縛去追求自由的強烈愿望。

The charge reveals a profound ignorance of the progressive era . 這一指責表明,他們對進步時代一無所知。

Persons in the know also revealed some malpractices at the fair . 知情人披露了一些交易會上的不正之風。

Such readings can reveal longer-period deformations in the earth . 這種讀數可以反映地球長周期的形變。

She did not want to reveal that she, too, was troubled by the waiting . 她不想顯露出她也等得很不耐煩。

Interpretation of results must allow revealing the presence of a deposit . 成果解釋應確定礦床的存在。

It was soon revealed to him how much he needed her cooperation . 他很快就明白他是多么需要同她合作。

This time he at last reveals the truth about his past life . 這次談話他終于揭示了他過去生活的秘密。

A venal moving-van company had revealed her address . 一家唯利是圖的搬運汽車公司把她的住址泄露了。

Bruce, now twelve, revealed himself as a history addict . 布魯斯這時十二歲了,喜歡歷史就象著了魔。

There was nothing to reveal the presence of the two combatants . 這兩個戰士的痕跡一點也沒有發現。

The telescope reveals many distant stars to our sight . 望遠鏡把許多遙遠的星球顯現在我們的眼前。

Necropsy of the fetus reveals autolysis which is nonspecific . 胎兒尸檢顯示非特異性自溶現象。

Henry began to reveal himself as more than merely crude . 亨利開始暴露出他不僅僅是粗暴而已。

Time reveals a person 's heart . 日久見人心。

Porter revealed the true complexity of cell structure . 波特如實地揭示了細胞結構的復雜性。

But the end result was revealed the next morning . 不過,最后的結果于次日上午透露了出來。