
revalue vt.對(貨幣等)再估價;對…重新估價[評價]。


And the currency has been revalued , although by nothing like as much as america and others have been demanding : the yuan ' s initial central rate against the dollar was shifted by just 2 . 1 % , to 8 . 11 再次,貨幣價值重估,盡管不如美國和其他方面所要求的一樣多:人民幣兌美元的次日初始中間價調至8 . 11元,提高2 . 1 % 。

In july last year , the government , under pressure from its trade partners led by the united states , revalued the yuan by 2 . 1 percent against the dollar and allowed it to trade within against the us and other currencies 雖然美國仍然認為人民幣匯率被人為地保持在低水平,中國堅持認為匯率管理是適當地。

1 . morphology the diversity of rhizome and some other characters , which have been neglected by former researchers , are revalued and their systematic significance is pointed out and confirmed 本文對該復合體內各變種間的系統演化關系進行了探討,提出了該復合體的起源中心、分布中心及三條擴散路線。

Washington has been pressuring beijing to revalue the yuan to solve the problem of its whopping trade deficit but economists have long pointed out that it is the us ' fault 華盛頓方面已對北京施壓,要求重新計算人民幣匯率以期解決美方巨大的貿易逆差,但經濟學家們早已指出,逆差是美國造成的。

It is expected that overall mainland visitor spending in macau would increase after beijing revalued the rmb and raised the limit of cash that travelers can bring out of the mainland 市場預期人民幣升值,加上中國調高內地旅客可攜帶之現金限額,內地旅客在澳門的整體消費額將會續有增長。

The licensee of exploration or mining may revalue his given right of exploration or mining as an investment to enter jointly exploring and mining mineral resources with foreign business 探礦權人、采礦權人可以將其依法取得的探礦權、采礦權作價與外商合資或者合作勘查、開采礦產資源。

As a result , it is not just the usual protectionist suspects that demand action , but many mainstream american economists are now calling on china to revalue by 20 % or more 結果,不僅僅是貿易保護主義者嫌疑犯請求采取措施,現在就連美國主流經濟學家也呼吁人民幣升值20 %或者更多。

Iran ' s capital tehran , the city ousted from top spot by tokyo 14 years ago after its currency was revalued , remains the cheapest of the 130 cities ranked worldwide by the eiu 也有所上升。在本次調查中,伊朗首都德黑蘭與上次一樣,依然是世界上生活成本最為低廉的城市。

Nevertheless , our analysis shows that artificially revaluing the rmb makes no sense economically and therefore , china should maintain a stable rmb policy in the foreseeable future 因此,在可見的未來,人民幣匯率政策不應遷就于這種議論,而應繼續保持相對穩定。

An opinion piece in today ' s important state run china daily today says there is no way china should give in to pressure to revalue its currency 美國,日本和歐洲的評論人士認為,這是不公平的,這樣的匯率使得中國在外匯上獲得了相對其他國家來說不公平的優勢。

China revalued the yuan by 2 . 1 percent on july 21 and has allowed it to creep up by 1 . 4 percent more since then , including monday ' s increase 中國在去年7月21日把人民幣匯率調高了2 . 1 % ,并在即日起允許人民幣有超過1 . 4 %的上下浮動,周一的增值就在此范圍內。

On disposal of a previously revalued fixed asset item the difference between net disposal proceeds and the net carrying amount should be charged or credited to income 處理以前重估的固定資產項目時的凈出售收益與凈賬面總額的差價應當收取或記入收益。

An opinion piece in today ' s important state run china daily today says there is no way china should give in to pressure to revalue its currency 在《中國日報》發表的今日國家大事的文章稱,沒有任何理由,可以讓中國對壓力屈服。中國不會升值人民幣。

In other words , the spiritual wealth is exploited on the basis of the material wealth , and the latter , in turn , is revalued upward under the guidance of the former 換句話講,精神財富的挖掘基于物質財富,而物質財富的升華又受益于精神財富的指導。

Shanghai : the american chamber of commerce in china ( amcham ) on friday urged the us government to stop putting pressure on china to revalue the renminbi 上海:中國美商會周五強烈要求美國政府在人民幣升值問題上停止對中國施加壓力。

Shanghai : the american chamber of commerce in china ( amcham ) on friday urged the us government to stop putting pressure on china to revalue the renminbi 上海:美國駐中國商會于星期五督促美國政府停止對人民幣升值向中國施加壓力

Shanghai : the american chamber of commerce in china ( amcham ) on friday urged the us government to stop putting pressure on china to revalue the renminbi 上海:美國駐中國商會周五敦促美國政府停止向中國施加人民幣升值的壓力。

However , trade friction , trade barrier , and rmb revalue among others are also influential in a passive way on the international trade of china 然而,諸如貿易摩擦、貿易壁壘、人民幣升值等因素也對我國對外貿易產生了不利影響。

Shanghai : the american chamber of commerce in china ( amcham ) on friday urged the us government to stop putting pressure on china to revalue the renminbi 美國商會駐中國的機構于周五呼吁美國政府停止向中國施壓,使人民幣增值。