
rev n.〔口語〕(發動機的)旋轉。vi.,vt.(使)變速。...


P . p . : rev . joseph fan 主任司鐸:范錦棠神父

The factory decided to rev up production to meet the needs of more customers 工廠決定增加產量以滿足更多客商的需要。

It ' s the wedding of hollywood and silicon valley , rev . steve jobs presiding 的成績還不錯,期待它的第一季財政報告。

“ they respond , “ ohhh , rev . schuller , “ and they give him a big smile 。接著他們說:是蕭律柏牧師。并會擁抱著他。

The rev . professor lo lung kwong 張惠玲教授

So when i had a chance , i asked rev . heng sure about what i was doing 所以有個機會,我就問實法師關于我的所作所為。

Letters from rev . peter yang 楊勝世牧師來信

Form for nomination and consent of nomination hyd 83 rev . 7 2005 指定持準許證人的同意書hyd 83 , 7 2005版本只供英文版

Rev . 12 : 12 therefore be glad , o heavens and those who dwell in them 啟十二12所以諸天和住在其中的,你們都要歡樂。

I was able to use all the revs in the engine etc , i tried hard 當我看到超越已是不可能時,我才把轉數降低了一點。

They rev my engine , but they don ' t belong in the newsroom 他讓我謀部分非常沖動但是我認為她根本不是播新聞的料

P . p . : rev . joseph lee , s . d . b 主任司鐸:李海神父

Rev . 22 : 21 the grace of the lord jesus be with all the saints . amen 啟二二21愿主耶穌的恩與眾圣徒同在。阿們。

Rev it up to warm the engine 讓發動機轉起來預熱

Don ' t rev the engine so hard 別讓發動機轉得太快

Pastor : rev . george zee , s . j 主任司鐸:徐志忠神父

Notification of change of institution course data fasp c 1b rev . 2006 更改就讀院校課程資料通知書tsf c 18b

Design of rev control system for ac electromotor based on labview 虛擬儀器在交流電機轉速控制系統中的應用

Rev . 15 : 4 who will not fear , o lord , and glorify your name 啟十五4主啊,誰敢不敬畏你,不榮耀你的名?