
reunion n.1.復合,再結合,再合并,再統一;和解。2.重聚,(...


This isn ' t really just a reunion for the folk groups 這次活動不止是那些合唱團的一次團聚,

We went to lili s home the next day to enjoy the reunion 如果給你三天光明,你要看什么? ”

And he ' s at a family reunion in puerto rico 到波多黎各與他的家人團聚

Before i came to pbn i did the good times reunion 在我來到pbn之前我是團圓節目的制作人。

New year ' s day is a day for family reunion 元旦是一個親屬團聚的日子。

So , are you in town for the reunion ? - no . i ' m -那么,你是回來參加同學聚會的? -不,我

- the man ' s terrified . - surely a reunion is a happy event 他害怕了重聚當然是令人高興的

The family reunion dinner is absolutely necessary 團圓飯是必不可少的。

The reunions between old friends are touching 老朋友重聚是令人感動的。

It is a shame that you cannot join us in this reunion 很可惜你無法參加我們此次的聚會。

Yeah , yeah . enough with the family reunion stuff . let ' s roll 好了,家庭團員完了,開始吧

Ceibs taiwan alumni new year reunion 中歐校友汽車產業俱樂部2006年度年會

A reunion of the two brothers seemed unlikely 兄弟倆團聚似乎不可能了。

The man ' s terrified . - surely a reunion is a happy event 他害怕了重聚當然是令人高興的

A family reunion is an effective form of birth control 家庭集會是計劃生育的有效形式!

Koreas hold family reunions via video link 南北韓通過視頻聯線進行家庭團聚

Alumni reunion day 2006 agm 2005 06 2006年校友歡聚日暨2005 06周年會員大會

Alumni reunion day 2005 agm 2004 05 2005年校友歡聚日暨2004 05周年會員大會

I saw some old friends at my class ' reunion 我在同學會上看到一些老朋友。