
reunify vt.,vi.(-fied; -fying) (使)重新...


At new stage in the new century , we only depend on strengthening armed forces relying on science and technology , could offer the strong military guarantee for building the well - to - do society in an all - round way , offer military support for reunifying the motherland , advance the overall change of the chinese society 科技作為一種重要的國家安全要素,在國家安全和國防建設中的作用越來越突出,信息知識和高科技將成為克敵制勝的關鍵性因素。新世紀新階段,為全面建設小康社會提供強大的軍事保障,為祖國統一提供軍事支持,為推進中國社會的總體變革,必須依靠科技強軍。

Take jesus christ , for instance . the focus is on the abilities or supernatural powers he attained through spiritual practice , how he reunified himself with god , what his disciples achieved through spiritual practice , and how they finally reunified themselves with god . in the case of shakyamuni buddha , the focus is on what he achieved through spiritual practice , how he became a buddha enlightened master , and how his disciples practiced and became buddhas in the same way 大眾笑不過,因為修觀音法門就是回來我們的本來面目,而一般的宗教都是講古代人的體驗而已,比方說耶穌,修行會有什么能力,有什么神通,然后跟上帝在一起, ?的徒弟修行,會有什么能力,然后會跟上帝在一起釋迦牟尼佛因為修這個,會得到什么,然后就成佛, ?的徒弟也是修這樣,會成佛等等。

Chinese people face three major tasks in the new century : to speed up the modernization drive ; reunify the motherland ; and safeguard world peace and promote common development 進入新世紀,我們必須抓好的三大任務,就是繼續推進現代化建設,完成祖國統一,維護世界和平與促進共同發展。

Chinese people face three major tasks in the new century : to speed up the modernization drive , reunify the motherland , safeguard world peace , and promote common development 進入新世紀,我們必須抓好三大任務,就是繼續推行現代化建設,完成祖國統一,維護世界和平與促進共同發展。

The “ one country , two systems “ model , which we have proposed , in accordance with chinese realities , to reunify the nation , is likewise an embodiment of peaceful coexistence 根據中國自己的實踐,我們提出“一個國家,兩種制度”的辦法來解決中國的統一問題,這也是一種和平共處。

While hong kong reunifies with china , britain , in a sense , is also faced with the challenge of reunification with the rest of the european community 香港回歸中國在即,而英國也可以說是面臨挑戰,要決定是否加入歐洲聯盟。

The world already became the world which opened , the earth already becomes a penetration the earth ; the humanity will certainly to reunify 世界已經成為一個打開的世界,地球已經成為一個貫通的地球;人類必將重新統一!

Children reunifying with a belgian national or a national from the european economic space cannot be over 21 如果提出家庭團聚申請的小孩兒是與比利時國籍或來自歐洲經濟區的父母團聚,小孩兒的年齡不能超過21歲

The finance collaboration is intrinsicly necessary to develop economic trade and reunify pacificly between both sides of taiwang strait 摘要閩臺兩岸金融合作是兩岸經貿發展與祖國和平統一的內在需求。

After the fall of the berlin wall and the ensuing reunification of germany , the manuscripts were also reunified 柏林圍墻倒下之后,接下來的是德國再統一,手稿也再聯合起來。

It will be a unique feature and important innovation in the state system of a reunified china 這將是統一后的中國國家體制的一大特色和重要創造。

However , it failed to reunify the island before may 2004 ? when cyprus joined the european union 但是一直沒有成功2004 . 5月塞浦路斯加入歐盟。

We know we can reunify china peacefully , but we cannot predict how long it will take 我們知道我們可以和平統一中國,只是無法預測要多久。

He also said that it would never give up its efforts to reunify the country peacefully 他還說,爭取和平統一的努力決不放棄。

It is an inviolable mission of the entire chinese people to reunify the motherland 實現祖國統一是全體中國人民的神圣使命。

They said we ' ii be reunified so aren ' t you happy 他們說我們要統一了那你為什么不高興

They said we ' ll be reunified so aren ' t you happy 他們說我們會統一,你不高興嗎?