
returnee n.1.(服刑后)釋放回來的人。2.(從國外服役后)回國...


Due to his distinguished work in education and scientific research , he was chosen as a university or shaanxi provincial excellent returnee of abroad scholar , university distinguished worker , new star of science and technology of general logistic department of pla , two military medals of c degree since 1997 1997 . 4留學回國以來,先后被評為學校和陜西省優秀留學回國人員、校科技工作先進個人、獲基礎醫學部“九五”科技工作重大貢獻獎,兩次榮立三等功, 2000年被評為總后勤部科技新星,

From the 2000 - 01 school year , the induction programme and the school - based support scheme have also been extended to include non - chinese speaking children as well as returnee children 由二零零零至零一學年開始,上述適應課程及校本支援計劃已擴展至包括非華語兒童及回流移民兒童。

Study abroad how does personnel apply for to open “ study abroad does returnee prove “ 留學人員如何申請開具《留學回國人員證實》 ?

And an undisclosed returnee 有某種聯系

Returnee admission japanese nationals returning from abroad 歸國子女海外返日國人