
return vi.1.回轉,回來,回去,返回,折回 ( to)。2....

return circuit

Is this the only return i can make you ? 難道這就是我能對你作出的唯一報答?

All are flutter at the thought of his return . 想到他的歸來,大家都很激動。

They have just returned from their travels . 她們剛旅行回來。

Then she returned to minister to me . 隨后,她又轉身來關照我。

It will not be long before father returns . 父親不久就要回來。

The property returned to the original owner . 財產已歸還原主。

No one can tell when he will return . 他什么時候回來還很難說。

Smith was returned as mp for bath . 史密斯被選為巴斯市的議員。

Maybe he can't screen out bottom return . 說不定他無法鑒別水底的反射信號。

We returned to crabbree manor in high spirits . 我們精神振奮地回到了楂園。

I must return this manuscript to the author . 我必須把這篇稿子退還給作者。

Our troops immediately returned the fire . 我軍立即進行了回擊。

Our troops immediately returned the fire . 我軍立即進行了還擊。

Compact trees, bring quick returns . 矮化密植果園回收資金較快。

Exiles long to return to their native land . 流亡者們渴望回到自己的祖國。

Sowerberry returned at this juncture . 正在這個節骨眼上,索厄伯里回來了。

You can return home with your pockets full . 你就可以滿載而歸。

Let us return to electron waves now . 現在我們再回到電子波上來。

He hurried away and returned in short order . 他匆匆離去,又迅速地回來。